
  1. I just hope that then banks not force you to use their property bulshit apps and that you can still use Apple or maybe Google pay then.

  2. Do you know why it was decided to have it that way? I can’t quite get behind the reasoning?

  3. Maybe this will help them actually improve Safari in actually meaningful ways.

  4. It won’t, people blindly set Chrome on a shiny pedestal and move to it.

  5. Why do you want all your data in Microsoft's cloud?

  6. Pyrotechnic display. What surprises me the most is that there are no cables on them. Generally, pryo is required to have cables for a couple of reasons:

  7. Couldn't number 1 be fixed by always requiring a signal? If the signal drops, the machine stops.

  8. Errant signals can come from many places. Some random teenager messing with a radio transmitter could send the signal to fire the display by accident. It's a low chance, but when dealing with pyrotechnics, you want to be extra sure.

  9. Isn't this industry pretty egregious when it comes to lock-in? It would be nothing new for them to lock their equipment to a certain controller, and use encryption for communication.

  10. its a shit tool that doesnt fix anything, well other than shareholder paranoia.

  11. Nobody cracks Denuvo today, so you're just lying to yourself.

  12. The worst part is that you can't open multiple windows of Settings... who the heck thought that was a great idea?

  13. Nothing before Infinite Warfare is safe to play online.

  14. Not true. Both IW and WWII are affected

  15. I’m surprised none of them ever complain about the noise of the engines. How these guys aren’t deaf by now I have no idea.

  16. They do wear hearing protection, and the cars are unfortunately already much quieter than V8 and before.

  17. This depends on your preferences and perception. Supposedly 95 or 96 should be transparent. I found that it's surprisingly difficult to hit those numbers with smaller file sizes and would probably shoot for about 92. But still, ultimately what matters is what you think of the results, more than what the VMAF numbers are.

  18. Isn’t HEVC much better for such high VMAF scores? AV1 can’t really do it in a way that makes sense as far as I know.

  19. This alone has finally cured me of all curiosity to ever try it. Thank you, they need to post this in every high school and gym around the world.

  20. New evidence points to permanent decrease in intelligence.

  21. If anything most have them. I just went to Lowe's website and the first option when I clicked "dishwashers" had a visible element. It's usually a long black circle around the bottom of the machine. On some models they use it for drying as well as heating the water.

  22. Dishwashers with visible heating elements is a North American thing.

  23. If the title is actually real that sounds like a huge problem, a plane shouldn't just drop out of nowhere without a weather phenomenon.

  24. It's a bug impacting an extremely small amount of people. No they aren't trying to take your digital games, yes they will likely fix the issue and are already looking into it

  25. Imagine being the only one hit, no recourse and support which just tells you to fuck off and buy a new PS5.

  26. Bare det at låse din bil op kan give en sigtelse, da Politiet ser på sagen som at have forhindret en spritbilist.

  27. I legitimately thought my FB account may have been hacked initially, because my known password wasn't working and I couldn't change it. Checked DownDetector after about 2 minutes and realized it's not just me.

  28. Aren't the others things probably just services which allow you to log in with a Meta account?

  29. Er det muligt at få adgang til fjernet indhold som en normal borger?

  30. Hvis du tænker på indhold, der ikke bliver overført fra Bonanza til Gensyn, så nej. Men det er mest de programmer, hvor der er live musik eller andet materiale beskyttet af ophavsrettigheder.

  31. Jeg tænkte mere på gammelt indhold, som ikke har eksisteret på DRTV i mange år.

  32. Install the "fix common problems" plugin if you have not and see if it reports any issues.

  33. Lime Tech should include it in Unraid, this thing with installing third-party packages shouldn't be a requirement for a functioning OS.

  34. The EGS version looks much better, hopefully that is the version all other platforms will get.

  35. They still need to integrate Battle.net with the game pass app on PC. Or put the games on the MS Store.

  36. Signal destroys the quality of videos as it tries to compress them. It sucks majorly.

  37. See my comment above about Sent Media Quality

  38. Yeah it shouldn’t say “high” as it’s often very low quality. It depends on the video.

  39. That’s good. Not being able to isolate a device from the internet sucks.

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