
  1. R/place is the coolest thing on Reddit. I know bots are involved, but still. Communities working together with other communities without even communicating but just seeing what they are trying to do. Itā€™s beautiful. There are trolls, sure. And thatā€™s part of the fun. But the art that is created is so impressive because it was made by a group of people that had to fight to hold it the whole time and sometimes make it better. Seeing how many beautiful artworks are left alone just shows that the entire world can come together and doesnā€™t have to wish harm on others . Pretty cool. Also, Iā€™m drunk.

  2. Idk man, part of me is telling me if a girl did that on our date im basically guaranteed a quick fuck so keep trying

  3. Circumstantial evidence (not DD) that FTXā€™s fraudulent ā€œGameStop stockā€ token is part of f***eryā€¦

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Author: admin