
  1. I expected water to weep out - spouting out in a bunch of places like that is not something I was expecting. Fairly normal then?

  2. The fact that the water is not draining from the lower plane is the bigger concern. Crushed rock and a drain pipe behind the retaining wall + some sort of drainage solution for the lower level. The first to save your wall, the second to save your house.

  3. Because the pacifists should be holding the guns.

  4. Pyrethrin dust applied directly into the entrance hole in the late afternoon and/or boric acid bait (protein or sugar).

  5. Be careful. I'm not sure what type of bees these are and what climate you live in. Usually if they detect an attack on their hive they will swarm and it can be dangerous.

  6. Price is immaterial. In spite of the bear thesis, it has been consistently moving the needle in the right direction. It has almost 1.2B war chest, and is making over 4B sales per year, and is valued at 5-6B mcap. So long as gaming remains a thing.... so long as sales continue.... RC can continue to iterate, optimize and expand.

  7. Ok, are you implying that humans always knew the truth about everything? That they were never able to overcome wrong thinking, dogma, or simply a lack of understanding about the world? Are you saying that all our knowledge, technology, philosophies, societal paradigms, arts and sciences have always been known and every person was just waiting to be educated on them. That no one had to think about these things? If you're not then your proof is right in front of you.

  8. You are misinterpreting my comment or intentionally strawmanning. I did not equate thinking to overcoming wrong thinking. You said that humans who were fed fallacies would only be able to output fallacies. I mentioned that humans have in fact overcome false thinking, for which there are many examples throughout history. I also mentioned other examples of human thought.

  9. So only some humans think? Or rather, some humans do not?

  10. Retail memesters make a great cover for types of plays which can't easily be made by single entities... jussayin.

  11. When everyone buys MBSs and other CDOs on the advice of their banker advisers, only to wake up a month later with nothing but debt.... what'd this guy tweet then? "Investing is a tough game"?

  12. If extreme inflation is expected, purchasing a real asset on significant fixed-interest leverage can be a great investment because the value of the loan decreases with inflation (i.e. it's easier to repay) while, generally speaking, the nominal value of the real asset increases.

  13. You know it's corrupt when they dismissed it altogether instead of treating the recurring submission like a petitioned comment

  14. Utopian future: no crime, no prisoners in jail.

  15. The real question to ask is why would RC want to talk to Satya? This seems highly likely to be a strategic context, and not something which could have been resolved far more efficiently by any number of account management functions within MiSOFT.

  16. Trying to extend the usefulness: what sorts of board games might be good candidates for young autistic children to gather around and socialize over?

  17. I agree 100%. I've had on and off again contact with an autistic friend over the years.

  18. I always wonder what "bottom" means to different people :/

  19. What is the main reason he would or wouldn't invest in GME.

  20. Eliminating weeds reduces use of pesticides? Please explain

  21. Your goal is to create the perfect resume to get me a job. Here's a list of my experience and qualifications: [List all your work experience and qualifications] Here's the job I'm applying for: [Paste the description of the job you're applying for] Write a resume highlighting the skills best suited to the job I'm applying for. Use the "What's in it for me" method so that the interviewer understands why I'm the person most likely to get the job. Adopt a professional tone.

  22. The prompt is a bit vague and lacks specific instructions that would help the AI generate a more accurate and useful output. Here are some issues:

  23. Think about a decentralized netflix in which multimedia players only decrypted and played multemedia files after ownership had been established and royalties went more or less directly to the creators. When you no longer want to keep a movie in your library you could redeem the viewer rights in an aftermarket.

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