
  1. Options waste of money, buy share, drs, book and shop

  2. Jesus Christ, people! Put the 2 and 2 together already. Computershare reports the numbers to GameStop for their earnings calls. This is why they added the direct registered numbers to the report. It’s a god damn Easter egg. Get off the buy, hold, DRS bandwagon already and open your eyes. Accept what’s really going on. It’s been in front of your faces all along. This is why Kevin Malone called them out on Twatter.

  3. You missed shop and book. As of myself, I do shop, buy, hodl, drs and book.

  4. That's the whole reason for my discussion. Based on documented evidence in the other sub, that might not be the case anymore.

  5. Then why stop at 75M? What's is the problem for DTCC to take ALL of them and show us next to 0 number?

  6. Shills and bots, 2-4k is what a see pretty much every day

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