
  1. Moass starts October 2024! Trust me bro.

  2. For me it is usually 5%, but I have one exception bought and holding that is more than 5%

  3. You can literally check the float owned by institutional investors through the yahoo finance platform and it shows ZERO institutional investors buying the blackrock ETF.

  4. Still, expect the same ratio of ownership like all other ETFs mid-long-term.

  5. So you finally agree that institutions aren’t buying right now and haven’t bought any yet…

  6. Yes, I agree. Good for us, we can buy more meanwhile

  7. Cant wait for the halving just to see for the price doing absolutely nothing and all this shitposts to end

  8. If same happens like the last halvings, the price will drop hardly for 4-8 weeks and than will start to skyrocket.

  9. Cheap is always todays price, at each day.

  10. Don't trade options if you do not understand the fundamentals.

  11. Dir ist bewusst, dass es viele Unterfirmen vom Samsung gibt oder?

  12. It is the only currency I trust longterm.

  13. Inverse what Cathie Woods AND Jim Cramer are proposing as a clear buy.

  14. Lol, there is no OTC wallet. OTC means in that context they transfered between two parties directly like everybody else is able to do also.

  15. You say Blackrock do not own a shit? They bought a promise? Trust me bro, these IOUs are worth billions...

  16. I hope there is no seller, could be interesting 😉

  17. OP, did you get your issue fixed? What are you using, Electrum or something else?

  18. The issue was trying to use that setup on an Android phone, on a desktop PC it did work.

  19. The ETF itself will buy the underlying asset, investors will buy paper Bitcoin.

  20. How are you confident that they will buy the underlying assets? Did you have seen the prospect and it had the wording "physical replication"?

  21. At this point it's a conspiracy that they will not buy the underlying asset.

  22. Many subs even do not allow to mention it, the most hated stock is clearly

  23. I guess I will buy more GME. Seems to be rarer than gold. Rare things will cost automatically more.

  24. Most likely the BTC ETFs will be swap based and not a physical replication. Means, the institutes creating the ETFs do not need to buy one single Satoshi.

  25. Cramer gonna beg us to take profits on live tv again? MOASS will last weeks.

  26. Low short interest at GME translated: "Bro, please short this stock, look the cost is nothing, only 1% fee, this is a steal bro, please short it."

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