
  1. Yup, it turns out that brains that are hardwired for danger, conflict, and survival, struggle to deal with peace and calm, even if that's logically "better" for us to be in.

  2. That's fundamentally misunderstanding how nature works. Our brains are wired for survival but part of survival is conserving energy, which requires recognizing times of peace in order to relax and be more energy efficient. This occurs commonly in nature, where animals will be less aggressive and more playful  during food abundant seasons.

  3. More and more pets are being diagnosed with depression and anxiety. A lot more especially post-covid. We prescribe Xanax, Prozac, trazodone, gabapentin, etc more than you’d think at our vet clinic and most others

  4. I am of the belief that a large number of people buy pets without full consideration of their needs. There are still numerous people who think it's fine to buy a single dog and then leave them alone for 8+ hours a day. 

  5. And how about sick days and other leave? I just got a job I was told was kushy and would take care of me. I had to use two sick days and a fucking vacation day to attend a family funeral. Same as you, I only get two weeks accrued for both.

  6. honestly i dont even know anymore. like some of the replies have already sayt he may throw me under the bus and run away like a coward when the far-right is going to go after him. but like i sayt idk even know anymore. i love him. i still do. and as sad as it may be now. i think ill always do. even in 50 years. right now its honestly a battle between my head and my heart.

  7. OP, a spot of philosophy for you. Loving someone and being a good partner with someone are two separate things. 

  8. Most cis guys dread going bald, but I wonder if some subset of trans guys are like "fuck yea, I'm balding".

  9. some subset maybe, but I'm low key devastated to be slowly losing my mop. But the exchange for a baller beard is still worth it!

  10. I feel like even if he was abused he’d still have some sort of a conscious when abusing others, but maybe he’s got no conscious at all

  11. Many people rationalize their abuse as a coping mechanism, which allows them to continue the abuse without guilt. "It happened to me and I'm fine*. This is how life is. Snowflake needs to be stronger and deal with it.". They might even think they're showing kindness by not being as abusive as their own abuser. 

  12. Cheaply produced show for 5 year olds vs one of the most successful franchises of all time??? Low tier bait.

  13. Exactly what I was thinking. How about we take a clip from fucking Caillou and see how that holds up

  14. ESH. Your wife because she cheated, obv. YOU because you lied to her when you said you didn't care. That's obviously not the whole story and it's indicative of poor communication skills.

  15. Also, it's Hell. They aren't good people/ demons.

  16. I don't agree with the "it's hell" defense. I personally know a lot of horrible, hell-destined souls who are prudes/don't curse. 

  17. Yes and I think that's kinda addressed within the show as well.

  18. Yes that's true! I used to feel like the cursing was too commonplace, but someone posted a "curse counter" here the other day and I realized it was almost entirely Angel and Adam LOL. The other characters do have more restraint, and I like the differentiation!

  19. My theory is that she has been weaving a big conspiratorial web to break the "system" of heaven/hell, either by collapsing heaven or rehabilitating hell. It would make sense for her character to have known the system is broken from the very start (she rebelled against Adam after all)

  20. Reddit is based on ratio. If someone gets 50 upvotes and no downvotes, and someone else gets 100 upvotes and 50 downvotes, the the one with no downvotes will display higher despite appearing to have the same karma. 

  21. Thanks. Also they're going off of the number shown to decide which one goes right?

  22. I think OP is eliminating based off number of comments per song, not upvotes, but I'm not certain

  23. I am once again asking you to eliminate Stayed Gone

  24. Stayed Gone! I really liked Alistor's part at the end but the rest of it is really just fast talk

  25. I thought that the bear was in the hot mom section

  26. I thought Marge was in the Talking Non-human section lmao

  27. I'm voting out Ready For This because I can't even remember how it goes!

  28. Right. It's like how humans don't have two legs because some people are born without legs.

  29. The Japanese concept of ikigai really helped me find my career, hopefully it'll be helpful for you too

  30. This might be the depression talking, but what do you do if you don't feel like anything overlaps like this? 😔

  31. Hot damn, ya'll are being so hard on OP. They clearly depressed af and going thru some shit and y'all are kicking them while they're down, damn!

  32. I don't get people that say "I'm a Pokemon fan since forever, but Palworld is the Pokemon game I've always wanted"

  33. I don't get why it has to be a black and white thing. I like Pokemon, and I like Palworld's twist on Pokemon. I don't have to hate or criticize Pokemon to enjoy Palworld, or vice versa. Peeps just like fighting over nuthin

  34. I'm not saying you can't enjoy both, i'm enjoying both. What i'm saying is that Palworld is just not a Pokemon game, if anything it's an Ark game.

  35. Oh ya I wasn't coming at you or anything. I just meant that it's not  contradicting to say you enjoy  Pokemon while also wanting to explore it in other formats. Like I love Pokemon's original format, but I also really love when they explore other genres like they did with Snap, Puzzle League, Mystery Dungeons, etc. 

  36. Old guy story… back in the pre Indesign days we used Quark Express. Q had the option to change language for placeholder text. Several creative folks hacked in languages like Klingon and pornspeak. It became a game to prank coworkers station by changing those while at lunch. When those slipped by and were published it was far more entertaining!

  37. You can also find random themed Lorem ipsum generators online! My favourite is

  38. Even a fun thing like that seems to effort filled to do.

  39. I bet you could do a tiny easy one and it'd still be fun!

  40. I try and do like a half-and-half. Some goals to improve my life (usually improving my self care and cooking skills) and some fun projects like making an animation or trying new art materials or Cosplaying for the first time.

  41. Oooh, this method would work especially well if you link your Fun goals to your Serious goals. Like, maybe my serious goal is to eat less processed food. So my fun goal would be to learn to make my favourite processed foods fresh!

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