
  1. To be fair, 32 years ago, my high school in Charleston, WV had two fastfood restaurants in the cafeteria as well. And though we didn't have our own football stadium, our official stadium was the local university's stadium (Laidley Field), which was super nice for a high school team, lol.

  2. Pretty much. Mine is more focused on stability and user experienced, while a1111 just throws as many features as possible on the pile.

  3. There are things I really like about both of your guis, but I think your description of AUTOMATIC1111s version is unfair.

  4. I was going to say "Mass Effect 2", but then I remembered she's only black because I made her black in character creation, lol.

  5. I couldn't find this study online OP, can you share a link to it? I've read several other articles and one study that put US male life expectancy at around 79 to 80, so I want to compare the data.

  6. Thanks OP, but this is just a list of aggregate data, it's not a study.

  7. I want to train it on my face and need some clarification on three things (*ELI5 please! lol):

  8. Thanks for the reply, Airwolf! I successfully trained it at 22,000 steps and it really looks like me! lol. I'm having fun with it now.

  9. Fremont!? EIGHTEENTH in the entire country?! Get the fuck outta here, lol. Almost no entertainment, a few food spots, almost no art - the place is one of the most boring cities in the bay area.

  10. I’ll be completely honest, some of us really just don’t give a fuck. Some of us have survived suicide attempts, sometimes those same people have worked as first responders and picked body parts out of bushes, trees, and sponged pieces off the road after major accidents. Once you’ve seen enough of it you come to the realization of how small and insignificant we really are. You see someone die and the first thought is “damn, that’s going to be a hell of a cleanup job”. Hell look up the SL-1 reactor incident.

  11. Personally, I don't think going through trauma yourself is a valid reason to behave badly in public. I can understand the deadening that happens with experiencing horrible shit over and over - I grew up in abject poverty, saw death, drugs and abuse early and often, and I come from a USMC and Army family. I've heard it all - but still, those callous, gallows humor, fuck-what-people-think type conversations generally happen between brothers (both familial and service) or your closest friends, not around strangers.

  12. It generally does. Hell, my buddies in the department joke about dark shit all the time. It extends to online though. Online “communities” unless specifically stated to be (and not really even then unless strictly controlled) are not “safe spaces” where nothing that’s unpleasant will ever be discussed. These kinds of videos are posted. There will be discussion and jokes. Ya gotta either join in the joking or move on. Don’t let it get to you. The splatter mark in that random industrial plant isn’t related to me or anyone I know. If the family was on here they would have reason to be upset, and they could possibly ask for the video to come down, but everyone else can ignore the vid or comments if they don’t like it.

  13. If you're using AUTOMATIC1111's gui, you can try using the new weight modifiers "(championship wrestling belt:1.5), shiny, official, (WWE championship belt)".

  14. And then you went around town giving out pizzas to homeless people, right? Because, after two or three, what good are the 11 extra pizzas?

  15. Because most English speakers will agree (not all, but a whole hecking lot) that when we hear 김치, we hear a K sound as the initial sound. Official spellings be damned lol

  16. I've noticed that whenever you see kimchi in Hawaii whether on local restaurant menus or local store shelves it is spelled "kim chee" not kimchi. Any idea about why this spelling is so prevalent in Hawaii compared to other places?

  17. Koreans even sometimes spell it gimchi. It's probably just one group of people spelling something unfamiliar to them in a familiar way.

  18. Without a prompt and parameters, I refuse to believe these were done solely in SD, lol.

  19. When I was 12 my dad T-boned a car that ran a red light. I still remember the seatbelt shaped bruise across his stomach. This was our first car to even have seatbelts (it was the 1960s). If it happened in our other car he would have died for sure.

  20. Was your dad a king? I thought only Royals had seatbelts in their carts in the 1060s.

  21. TL;DR: Bump your favorite jammies while pumping up your hammies

  22. I can't think of a single business owner who would justify that expense.

  23. Also, no guns. I get why, but we consider them pretty acceptable for all kinds of media. Seems fine.

  24. First world modern moralism: murdering someone is on screen is perfectly fine, but a woman's breasts are immoral.

  25. Novice SD user here. I use AUTOMATIC1111's GUI, can I simply download and install these models in my model folder and choose the model in the GUI, and it will improve my results if my prompts are related to what the model was trained on?

  26. Haha, dope. Next I want to see you as a series of world leaders.

  27. This one allows you to enter a list of prompts or read from a file of prompts :)

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