
  1. I didn’t do it via my own freezone company (though I do have one on the side). I did it via my job (also a SWE in Dubai) with the standard 6 months bank statements + attested degree certificates. The attestation took forever on the US side though I don’t know if this is required anymore because I had read they made the degree requirement simpler.

  2. I am also in this same situation, but I work remotely with a company not based in Dubai, and I am on a freelance visa.

  3. If you are buying to rent the property apart from maintenance charges / sq ft, here is what to expect .

  4. If you rent your property to someone else, this municipality charge will go on the tenant. As a landlord you need to worry about maintenance fees .

  5. Service charges is the main one but I would also add home contents insurance (though many don't have it). Building insurance should be part of the service charges but may not be - good to check that. For service charges note that it can vary from one year to the next, so whatever the service charge is in 2023 it could be different in 2024 and later. I am seeing increases in the service charges for numerous buildings.

  6. What are you asking ser? If you can pay with actual cash (paper)? Or cash as in via a manager’s cheque without a mortgage?

  7. I do not even know what "a manager’s cheque without a mortgage" is. I am thinking of pay with cash, aka bank transfer.

  8. Not sure what you're asking? If you're planning to use a realtor then they would take care of everything and tell you exactly what to do. Cash transactions are relatively simple and quick

  9. Serialization in serde does not use a Visitor, it is strictly a "serialize this array/struct/int value" interface, nothing too fancy.

  10. This follow up question is for my better understanding. You said

  11. I guess it depends on what you focus on, but yes it is similar to the visitor pattern, in both serialization and deserialization. It's not called a "visitor" in serde, but it's the same: the expected functionality here is to get a double dispatch. This is how serde ensures decoupling between how values describe themselves and how they get serialized/deserialized (how the format represents values of these types). This is how values can be serialized in any format that implements Serializer + Deserializer, and how formats can represent any value that implements Serialize + Deserialize.

  12. Just being able to trade away your stuff and move to the other game is a massive qol improvement for gamers compared to how they arebeing milked dry by big studios at the moment. It’s the kids growing in those crazy abusive markets that could change things. Gen x and gen y are mostly uninterested in digital goods anyway.

  13. so if the items can potentially be of no use outside of these games, then the fundamental value comes from being able to trade them? We are back at speculation again - the only real-life usecase of crypto

  14. Well of course if the game is dying, trading them might not be the best deal… but in a locked economy where you can only deal with the game publisher, the consumer will always pay more because there’s only one offer…. And you can’t sell back the item once you’re “done” because there are no buyers. In an open economy, there are more buyers and sellers so prices stabilize themselves. I’m not saying gaming should be a market. I’m saying the current proposal where cosmetics are solely sold by the publisher is always going to be more expensive for the consumer than if there’s an open market.

  15. If you order taxis online just try Uber. Same price, nicer experience.

  16. Interesting. Thanks for the tip. Never really thought of giving Uber a try. Will do so henceforth.

  17. People like you are the reason for so many sad stories about underpaid overworked people being treated poorly.

  18. This is a stupid take. No one is saying just give 1 star review, or just randomly report workers.

  19. But i have wondered this, maybe in the past this was true, Let's take away the nukes, but do people really think a bunch of American citizens with guns will stand a chance against the might of the US army?

  20. Modular blockchains separate data availability, consensus, settlement and execution.

  21. So basically it is an optimistic rollup on top of Ethereum

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