
  1. Forget internet hacking, some baby monitors use analog FM which is even more prone to interference. You could have simply picked up the transmission of another baby monitor in the neighborhood (parents talking in their kid's room or whatever), or just FM radio, or walkie talkies.

  2. Wait, so did you already know you were allergic, and you ate the snowcrab legs anyway? Or it was based on this episode you think you're allergic? If the former, that is a really risky way to live your life, and if the latter then I'd hold of on being certain of the allergy until you see an allergy doctor and have them test you (but presume that you're allergic until then).

  3. What does a 1099 have to do with a traffic law?

  4. Because you are citing traffic law about taxis. OOP is not driving a cab, they are a 1099 contractor driving their personal vehicle.

  5. Interesting, thanks for the links (I don't know why your comment is downvoted, as you are actually providing information to back up your statement)

  6. The evidence points to the leak originating higher than what you can see here. And it's been going on for quite some time, by the look of the floor.

  7. Johnny Cab says, "I'm not familiar with that address, would you please repeat the destination?"

  8. ABC daily KF94 are registered with the Korean government (FDA equivalent) so the filtration should be just fine as long as they fit you. (I found the registration record here -

  9. Thank you. Do you have an opinion on how many electrostatic layers a mask needs to have? I wonder why at least two are the standard if one is sufficient.

  10. One is definitely enough. I think most respirators, even high performing N95s and other standards, have one.

  11. It was a left turn lane preceded by a median. Son had been driving kind of slow out of caution, slower than traffic I had pointed out to him. The other car jumped into the median about 200' early to go around us on his was to turn left, my son was also planning to turn left but did not have the blinker on. When the other car approached, son pulls right in front of them, and they honked. I thought he had failed to look, but he claims to have done it on purpose (to teach them a lesson?)

  12. I would explain in no uncertain terms that there are graveyards full of drivers that were morally right and committed dangerous moves to teach lessons to other drivers. Would he "teach a lesson" to the helpless occupants of the other vehicle as well (e.g. kids being driven around by a parent that's a bad driver)? Drive safe! It's not only dangerous to "teach lessons", but other drivers are unpredictable and can be more prone to rage than yourself. Ending up in a wreck, besides the danger, is extremely expensive and time-consuming, even if you're judged to be not at fault. Keep emotions in check, just focus on getting to where you will go safely. Expect crazy drivers all the time, and just avoid them when you see them.

  13. Besides the advice on cleaning out the gunk, usually it takes just a little bit of sanding away the terminal at the point it touches the battery, to establish contact again - then you're good to go.

  14. There were hardly any more than the yearly ones, so maybe it felt like a little more than normal and occasionally you'd notice the periodic ones with bright red eyes around. We drove down to Indianapolis for a road trip that year and they were wall to wall there, it was insane.

  15. You're doing great to protect yourself from breathing that in. If it fits and seals to your face, most N95s will filter much more than 95%, and it will be more like 99-99,5%. For large particles like the concrete dust, it will capture even more ( > 99.5%). You can use separate eye protection, goggles or something, or a full face mask - you can test and see if the full mask is too cumbersome. You can see what your employer will offer or get your own. Always get a NIOSH standard (e.g. N95, N100/P100, etc.) rather than an unrated one, even if it looks the same. It's worth it to protect yourself.

  16. You bought the pack from where, and what brand are they? And what have you used previously?

  17. Yes, almost 50% of our content creation process is automated.

  18. I'm surprised you find people to watch AI generated drivel. That's really amazing.

  19. Yeah, they were probably inflating every number by orders of magnitude (if indeed they even have any clients at all), but where it finally became the most unbelievable was when they claimed the 30% cut from clients.

  20. I also had a coworker lose his sense of smell for about 2 years, and it suddenly came back. He credits one of his covid booster shots, which he had just gotten when his smell came back.

  21. (Not a doctor, these are just general ideas here for you.) Food allergies are weird and can develop at any time - including as an adult, you can become allergic to things that you have been eating for decades daily with no issues. We don't know why it happens. Shellfish and fish are the more common adult onset allergies, but eggs or any other common food allergen are also possible. So you should go to an allergist (allergy doctor, preferably board certified) and have them test you for allergy to egg (and probably to a few other foods that might be possible, too). They will likely do a skin scratch test, where they put a bit of the allergen, and if you are allergic you'll get what is basically like a mosquito bite. They will probably test you for both egg and baked egg allergy - you can be allergic to one and not the other, or both. Baked egg might not be the same as cooked egg, as the proteins have gone to a higher temperature, longer, in a baking process, typically.

  22. What's ugly about it - is it surface level like the skin, or the arrangement or information flow? Is there anyone that likes it, maybe it makes sense once you get use to it? Can you wireframe a better version?

  23. I'm familiar with the term "epistemology" and I've used it countless times trying to explain research methodology and the genesis of conspiracy theories.

  24. It's definitely a great term via which to sneak in and support your point with logical fallacies. I think the moralistic fallacy is probably at the top of the list. The argument would go. "If X were true, then Y (violence) would happen, therefore X is false!" Scientific discussions have no place for such loaded terminology.

  25. “You know we’re putting cover letters on the TPS reports now. Did you get that memo?”

  26. * Also, must be able to troubleshoot "PC_LOAD_LETTER"

  27. As people are saying, this is a wild adult turtle, and it may be illegal to keep it - and even if it is not illegal, wild adult turtles will often do very poorly in captivity. I'd just put it outside the gate where it originally came in. Especially if there are wooded areas within 100 ft or so, you could put it there (keep in mind that a turtle like this might not have a very large territory, so don't bring it too far).

  28. don't listen to these other clowns. give these albums a try:

  29. A big +1 on all of this! UA has a great live album as well, Fine Feathers Make Fine Birds.

  30. A lot of styles are mixed into Fishmans music, dub, psychedelic, reggae, ska, electronic, rock. However, not so much jazz IMO.

  31. At first glance I though it had been connected with Teflon tape at the mount (too much time spent on the plumbing subs I guess!). But, how did you mount it?

  32. Are they sure that's really what it says on the vial and the paperwork? Maybe you just talked to a nursing assistant that wasn't knowledgeable and assumed it was all the same? Some people really do not know yet speak authoritatively. The XBB1.5 was available since Nov 20, 2023, and has been available from providers since Dec. 11, 2023. BA4/5 has not been shipped to providers since then.

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