
  1. Please do not flush after pissing. I need more free flavour samples.

  2. Men’s bathroom in the Eng library always has some. Leaves a beautiful aroma in the room

  3. Have you ever used an iPad? Im in studying Engineering and have an iPad Air for notes etc. I downloaded a calculator app right away but I’ve used it once because a touch calculator just sucks for something the size of an IPad. Phone sized calculators are great. An actual calculator is best. iPad sized calculators are unwieldy. No one would use it

  4. I'm just shocked you can't get fucking INSTAGRAM on an ipad. What a piece of shit.

  5. You can get instagram on iPad. It’s just a scaled up version of iPhones so it looks like dick. But how is this apples fault and not instagrams? They are the developers for the app?

  6. It’s real. They give you ice cream if you show your failed engineering exam. Has to be engineering tho

  7. Ski pants on top of your pants are a good idea, or at the very least long John's (which go under your pants, might get some funny looks otherwise lol).

  8. Ski pants for walking around on campus? What, you building snow forts between your classes?💀

  9. There should be slider on what level anc do you want if it is on minimum it's basically off

  10. I See one for ambient but no slider for ANC

  11. I’m guessing it changes from headphones to headset when launching discord because discord wants to use a mic. You can check this by looking at the name of your audio output.

  12. This is a new type of karma farming bot, they all appear to exhibit the following traits:

  13. When you have your time travel loop due at 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00, 11:00,

  14. She told mike that jimmy sent her so she wouldn't need to stay with lalo when explaining everything that happened to them at guss place

  15. I’m pretty sure thats not how hot gay sex works

  16. I showed this to my Canadian friend, the one adjustment should be, Manitoba should say "crime" , not cold. 🤣

  17. I live here. We just like to have a bit of banter

  18. I reposted so that it complies with rule 6. It’s my picture

  19. at 31 Im surprised it even runs..... New Engine and trans??

  20. No, neither. It only has 100,000kms and was maintained every year at shops. Have every single invoice.

  21. No idea. Stock one. 1.6L in-line 4 is all I can tell you

  22. How is this even a question? E30 any day of the week

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