
  1. That cookie is as American as Baby Yoda and apple pie!

  2. How’re they gonna keep her down on the farm once she’s hit

  3. You’re right, but also who expects some asshole showing up early for a no-work job?

  4. Those tins will hold humidity really well until they are opened. Then it’s dry in a day.

  5. Yup, like microwaved bread comes out soft and becomes cardboard in a minute.

  6. Put universal penis in docking station…

  7. Just got inside… the medical line outside is much shorter or some are mixed in with the rec side. Their system keeps coming back on and then stopping again. All their employees are hands on deck tryna figure things out right now. Be patient guys, it’s a hectic day, the budtenders are not our enemies.

  8. I was right there when she came out. Lol.

  9. I’m more of a “big bear” person… how about you all?

  10. “I can’t be unscathed, you guys gotta rough me up or they gonna think I tipped off the route!”

  11. No James Gandolfini was very unhealthy by that point. He was getting a lot heavier because of his diet and out of control with alcohol and drugs around season 6 and this had an effect on his performance. I don't know if Chase ever explicitly said anything about it, but I feel like it was a major factor in choosing to end the show.

  12. That’s the BOSS of The Family you’re posting about!!

  13. This is correct. Hornworm type crop destroyer that got colonized by parasitic wasps.

  14. I’m just gonna go find a cash machine.

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