
  1. I think the more masculine a man is, the more feminine of a woman he’s gonna want. Also, I’m speaking in the context of a man looking for a wife, a man will not care about most of these things if he is just looking to hook up. Obviously beauty is a factor, but it isn’t the biggest. Indicators of Youth and health are the most important factors in physical attractiveness. Men tend to prefer a woman who is nurturing (can you take care of him when your sick? Do you love animals? Good with children and babies?). Can you run a home? Cooking, cleaning, tracking spending and budgeting, scheduling and anything else under the umbrella of taking care of a home. Then there is emotional vulnerability. Are you open? Are you able to express how you feel? And of course there’s the forbidden submission. Women might hate it, but it’s true, men a like a woman who is willing to follow rather than take the lead. A woman who doesn’t need to always be right, argue, or disrespect. She is looking to serve her man and respects and appreciates all the hard work he does (this is assuming the man is an actual man and does his duty).

  2. Cuz women want men that women want. 80% of women are attracted to 20% of men. If you’re not rich tall and fit, it’s gonna be hard for you

  3. Plant them both in a chunky, well draining aroid mix with plenty of drainage in the pot as well. Treat the Scindapsus like a succulent that thrives in the higher spectrum of indirect, medium strength. Water only when you see the leaves beginning to curl down or curl under itself as it appears to be doing in the photo. The global would prefer a higher light area but not directly in (for example) a south facing window exposed to the direct light all day without protection but maybe directly to the side right next to the south facing window. The pothos will droop in thirst when it's trying to let you know it's watering time. I always let my Scindapsus and Pothos get as dry as they can before watering again. They'll let you know!

  4. First thing I did to both was change the soil. They were both potted in straight coco coir smh

  5. How so? You think a third party is gonna get us anywhere right now?

  6. Not what I said. I don't think voting for anyone is going to bring about necessary changes.

  7. Then how do you change things? If you have terrible leaders, you get terrible outcomes

  8. My parents had two of us kids walk away from them before covid even started and it scared them. They’re more afraid of losing the only family members that would actually take care of them in their old age than preaching covid bs. Plus they know I can out debate them, so they keep their shitty covid opinions to themselves. I’m sorry so many of you have had your families destroyed by the government

  9. Not always, but I already have a dog I’m not supposed to have.

  10. Well considering zedcution got banned on Facebook for posting a meme about 1984 I think this is pretty accurate

  11. My goal is to have 3 or more. It has been documented in academic literature that economies of scale occur after that number and the children’s expenses will become cheaper as a result

  12. My parents had 4, idk if that was true, but if your willing to sacrifice materialism it’s probably very possible.

  13. Or course I am, material things could never compare to the experience of raising a human life.

  14. Yeah. Being able to produce at least some of your own food would also cut cost, along with buying higher quality items that could easily be handed down to the younger children

  15. SS Wanted to share this to see what people think. I myself think this is great news. Things are changing. This post was removed just now for no SS. Sorry mods.


  17. “My suburban grocery store shelves never looked like that” well good for you, you isolated prick. If you were a journalist, you would know how many peoples grocery store shelves do look like that. You ignorant, stuck up, braggart.

  18. Epstein Island and the Lolita Express is a honey pot and black mailing operation,

  19. Wasn’t Monty python B films detached from the actual Hollywood apparatus.

  20. Do you believe in the pantheon of gods that the ancient Greeks do? How about the Babylonians? The Hindu gods? Do you believe in Zarathustra or Ahura Mazda? Any of the countless gods other than the christian god? If not then to All of the other gods except yours you are atheist because you don't believe in them. I have just One God less than you. So monotheists are essentially 99% atheist.

  21. Personally I believe that what they considered gods were lower level spiritually entities. A lot of the times they worshipped what modern people would call demons, especially cultures that devolved into child sacrifice. I’m not sure if all were evil, but even the Bible acknowledges other gods, but God is the highest. He is the creator and the most divine. I don’t discount other religions from the past, because I respect my ancestors, and believe they were wiser than many of us give them credit for, especially when it comes to tapping into the spiritual realms, however, I do believe that their is one spiritual being above all the rest. He is God and he is our creator and he is the only one we should follow, lest we get swept up into demon worship, as all benevolent and good spirits also see Him as Lord and wouldn’t allow humans to worship them.

  22. I guess, I believe in a spiritual realm, I don’t think the trinity is the only spiritual entity, but God is who I worship and I put no other gods before Him.

  23. I thought the Xi was the original variant of the China virus

  24. Go to hobby lobby or target and try to strike up a convo (ask if she knows where something is)

  25. Too bad it won’t be real aliens rather a staged alien invasion. Project blue beam anyone?

  26. How does a conspiracy about elites running the world cause hatred towards the marginalized??? 🤡🌏

  27. Because the elites are Jewish. “Causing hatred to Jews” maybe?

  28. Claus shwab is a Jew?? Clinton’s, bushes, rockafellers, whoever else owns Vangaurd. They only say that cuz soros is a Jew. But he’s a self hating Jew who helped the Nazis. Also didn’t these idiots vote in Biden? You know, the guy that did a eulogy for a klan grand wizard.

  29. I’d do anything I could to avoid it if I were you. Young men your age are having very severe reactions

  30. “Looting is a term that we typically use when people of color or urban dwellers are doing something. We tend not to use that term for other people when they do the exact same thing," said Boyd.

  31. When I was a hair stylist I saw this happen to women due to hormonal changes, usually pregnancy. Honestly the only thing you can do is cut off the straight bits. The curl pattern is caused by the shape of the follicles that the hair is growing from. So you can’t change it without perming it or something.

  32. Hmmm interesting perspective, but I’m not sure I’m convinced especially since half the videos on the page no longer exist. Like I said, I don’t agree with everything Russell says, and he clearly doesn’t go to the heart of issues, but I enjoy his perspective and tune into his channel occasionally. I’m definitely not going to him to get to the real truth of anything though. Just to see a perspective of someone that doesn’t go all the way down the rabbit hole.

  33. of course, and these people can be useful.. because they will tell you good info to make you trust them. but honestly he is 1000% cointel. just be ready to jump ship when he starts talking about how a certain politician is here to save us. he did it before IIRC i think it was ed Miliband but it was years ago so i can't remember.

  34. Just cuz I like his content doesn’t mean I align with him politically. I don’t trust anyone that tells me to vote a certain way. Plus he is in UK, I’m in US

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