
  1. Mitch Horowitz, great author on the history and future of occultism.

  2. What books has he written about actually practicing occult? I've only seen him regurgitate other people's work.

  3. Daydream Believer would be his recent one to fit that. Tho the suggestions are all mental, not like ritual work. But that's plenty for people like me that see things through a chaos lens.

  4. The other way around, in my experience. Junior: full-fledged IDE like Jetbrains or VS Studio. Senior: highly customizable glorified text redactor, like Sublime or VS Code.

  5. The asterisk is basically a chaos sigil

  6. Well you could try out Processing. It has a

  7. Maybe it's because I'm a little older, but this smacks of immense immaturity. It's the equivalent of someone extending the olive branch and you slamming the door in their face. It's a symptom of younger generations getting more and more socially awkward/regarded. "Haha wow you stopped engaging because you were distraught emotionally! What a chad!" No.

  8. Hard agree. Do people hate closure nowadays?

  9. Agreed, it's the closest we've gotten so far. Definitely comes with downsides tho

  10. Well, Monday is 24 hours like every other day, so they aren’t technically wrong - and there might be some language that gives this as the answer.

  11. Yes technically they are wrong. This is a programming course, not reading comprehension.

  12. Fun fact: after he died they performed an autopsy on him and noticed that you could see all the way down into his stomach through his mouth

  13. The description of his death and autopsy is pretty gnarly (

  14. error: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine('{"id":0, "error":{"code":-1, "message":"invalid command"}}\r\n')). Looks like it made connection but the command is just wrong. Same command works fine in cmd though.

  15. Maybe it doesn't like http. Try socks (

  16. If you just want to drop into writing code you should consider Processing. It's a library on top of Java that allows you to draw using code. And they've built their own code editor you can download that compiles and runs the code for you.

  17. Hell I'm similar. I've never talked with any gods or goddesses that other people talk about. But I feel very comfortable considering the earth, sun, and moon my deities. They're impossible to mistake. Revere nature, simple as that.

  18. Well I see two things immediately. grainBuffer is defined locally in setup() and so isn't available in draw(). Then you did not use beginDraw() and endDraw() with it, so rect() probably never happened.

  19. Nope, just one or two and they can blend in the edges. If you don't already have dozens of pictures online they could snap one of you out in public.

  20. Not easily. You'd have to design your entire sketch around the time variable. Every frame/object you draw will have to reference it. What do you want to draw? If it's like a circle following a line that's not that bad. You'll have to get really familiar with linear interpolation.

  21. Am I alone in thinking they went overboard on the graphics? Obviously they're phenomenally done. But there are soo many cuts you barely get to enjoy looking at anything before another frame with a million new details takes its place, over and over again. It's like watching fireworks instead of a movie.

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