
  1. Adrian Tchaikovsky comes to mind. I can't compare to Chiang - I suspect he's a little pulpier - but he's very good on the craft of storytelling.

  2. Tchaikovsky's prose is nothing more the serviceable. It never stands out as bad, but nor does it stand out as good

  3. Good writing. Interesting characters. Good prose

  4. Some old favorites for me are Peter F Hamilton's Reality Dysfunction trilogy, and also his Commonwealth saga - Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained.

  5. Recommending Pandora's Star to someone who has never finished a book is insane behavior.

  6. No. It's actually a steady decline in quality for me

  7. They become more outlandish in a way I didn't really enjoy. Less well written. Plot becomes more minimal and convoluted.

  8. In the movie, I think the most appropriate conclusion is the latter.

  9. Would be wild if the speech about Mark feeling powerful because she can’t force him to do stuff was it. Either that or she let him stay late watching TV one day longer than her counterparts.

  10. Visiting Houston for work, what are some good spits to eat?

  11. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but the denver food scene is all generic American with an “eclectic twist”. Very few restaurants that are actually good and have a fun menu and most importantly, are consistent!

  12. Is this guy actually a journalist? Saying he was bummed that he spent a month and a half on this was eye opening as docs often take years to make. This is something his producer should have handled.

  13. I like how they really play up how big a threat the big villain is after dealing with giant three headed dragons and shit.

  14. IDK I thought the action was very weak outside of a couple cool moments. Godzillas power ups seemingly made zero difference besides making him pink. Rest of it was shooting lasers that usually just missed or got deflected. Good guys would just kinda suddenly win with little buildup. Nothing had much weight or heft or momentum.

  15. Literally the only part of the movie I enjoyed. The action is otherwise very generic

  16. The lack of chemistry definitely shows. Main reason I found the movie incredibly underwhelming when I finally saw it. Not sure how it garnered its reputation when one lead so clearly has disdain for his costar throughout

  17. TIL men and women are different species

  18. Yeah what is the most recent common ancestor between men and women???

  19. Man I really do not care for Korra at all, but zero of these complaints have anything to do with why it's not very good

  20. It's an interesting idea, but I didn't love it. Mainly that it feels like taking an already complex and thematic show and slapping an entire other show's worth of ideas and themes on top of it that aren't really hinted at in S2 (imo).

  21. The idea of having to take control of the future of humanity and being the "bad guy" aren't exclusive. In this case humanity needs the bad guy in order to survive.

  22. I think that's a BS copout to remove culpability from Paul.

  23. Then that ignores the remaining books, especially God Emperor where all of this is explained.

  24. Yeah and I think that is all bad and undercuts what Herbert claimed he was doing. I low key despise the later books.

  25. Congratulations you understand the cautionary elements of the story.

  26. Not sure if it's be my exact ranking but close enough that I don't have any gripes.

  27. Honestly maybe nothing. 4-5-6 all kinda blur together for me so I think I'd have a hard time sorting them as I enjoy them all about equally.

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