
  1. Was up 25k, now down - 30% when the market opens, once a regard always a regard :]

  2. I didn’t think it was prequel level bad but it’s definitely not great, I was getting increasingly heavy prequel vibes as it went on though

  3. I find it more like the TBOBF

  4. I tried to put the toaster in the microwave

  5. I've got one word for you, and one word only...

  6. I need to see Andrew Callaghan at this one

  7. I couldn't be happier in breaking even with AMC, jumped and swam to a life raft on that one

  8. the CFO has already unload his entire position

  9. 3 GME posts, 2 of them YOLO... interesting...

  10. if GME or AMC finish green tomorrow ill suck my own dick

  11. Isn't every meme stock forming a nice triangle?

  12. You are back, nice to see you again

  13. who believes it'll go to 350 and crash or will it go above?

  14. Bro have you said this before the numerous run ups, are you blind?

  15. what human mind thinks and physically draws this...

  16. People keep disregarding GME & AMC when they have numerous fucking run ups

  17. you guys are gonna cum when you see my loss porn at the end of today

  18. Exactly. My dad told me when he was teaching my to drive "assume nothing....except everyone else on the road is a moron".

  19. A wise man told me assuming makes an ass out of you and me (ass|u|me - assume), never assume.

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