
  1. This is why I never rp, I’m like the second guy but dramatically worse

  2. Probably the most similar to the actual sensation of being eaten

  3. 1st is darker, 2nd looks like muddier water and has a better reflection imo, I think the best would be the second’s characteristics but darkened

  4. I doubt anyone doing that genuinely thinks breasts are supposed to be that large. I don't disagree about porn, but when you go past a point where it's very clearly unrealistic I doubt it has much of an impact on one's irl sex life. But that's just speculation, and there will always be exceptions to the rule, of course.

  5. Sure, it’s unlikely anyone sees it as an actually plausible reality, but I’d wager it still affects your self esteem and expectations of people subconsciously, even if you don’t literally except people to have quadruple Z cups. Most people on the internet are constantly told how bad porn is and how it affects you, yet that doesn’t prevent those same people from consuming it or being affected by it. People still watch hentai and whatever else with the full understanding it’s unrealistic by nature of being animated, but that doesn’t prevent it from having an effect.

  6. Sure, it’s unlikely anyone sees it as an actually plausible reality, but I’d wager it still affects your self esteem and expectations of people subconsciously, even if you don’t literally expect people to have quadruple Z cups. Most people on the internet are constantly told how bad porn is and how it affects you, yet that doesn’t prevent those same people from consuming it or being affected by it. People still watch hentai and whatever else with the full understanding it’s unrealistic by nature of being animated, but that doesn’t prevent it from having an effect.

  7. Because, in the absence of atmosphere (and aerodynamic physics) the only way to change direction is by using thrusters, and since the forward thruster is the strongest, you can make the fastest turn by angling the ship sideways and accelerating forward.

  8. Absolutely, gotta be careful though, trying to make the base pretty has currently deadlocked me in my create arcane engineering world, where I now lack both resources and infrastructure, making building more base and progression in the pack more challenging.

  9. It cost me nothing to get into, and is an interesting project. I’m doubting it’ll be worth anything if it does release, as it was free to mine and many early people have thousands just laying around, but it’ll be cool to see where it ends up.

  10. Most, maybe 80-90% of the Pioneers will sell cheap as soon as it's available on the exchanges. They will sell to dimond hands hodlers and to traders. So don't worry about those Pioneers, they do good in the long run for Pi. 👍

  11. I’m doubting this, but I guess we’ll see eventually

  12. Well, if it makes you feel any better it’d probably be fine if it happened to you (assuming it gets put back of course). It’s not “safe” per se but whatever caused it to happen probably poses a far bigger hazard than the prolapse itself

  13. Why would you try getting in to guro? Doesn’t seem like something any reasonable person would want to get into, seems more like something you discover you’re already into and then fall down the rabbit hole uncontrollably

  14. Doesn't seem to exist anywhere, might be deleted or maybe patreon, but I don't see anything on their patreon that resembles it

  15. The engineer from Factorio, he would probably reverse engineer the entire facility and then start building latex production lines just because he can and not because he actually needs any of the latex

  16. As much as I agree, there does need to be some cutoff for things. Being overly accepting is partly why the fandom has so many problems with bad actors, though therians typically aren’t part of that problem specifically, it’s just an example of why some limits are needed.

  17. Disregarding these completely irrelevant listings, when, if, pi actually gets pushed to the mainenet, won't it be practically worthless? Tons of people are sitting on hundreds, thousands, or even more pi because it has been literally completely free to mine for years

  18. when u said leave him and take the dog i thought you meant his dick 😭😭

  19. I suppose it’s not technically out of the question, but it didn’t seem to be the implication

  20. This looks like you took a picture of the game running on a monitor made before LCD went consumer

  21. Carrying cyanide capsules all over my person is not a vore defense I had thought of, as interesting and effective it may be procuring that much cyanide might be hard though

  22. Flight stick works well. But your wrist are going to get destroyed very quickly, not worth it at all. I lasted about 15-20mins and said yeah this isn’t going to happen. Go ahead and try it.

  23. Depends on your position I suppose, I do it for a couple hours at a time usually, no wrist strain yet

  24. Could be age. If you're younger than I don't think it would be any trouble. I don't play RL anymore, this just showed up in my feed. Back then i'd play about 16 hours a day. That's a lot of stress to put on your hands and stuff over time.

  25. True, I’m a young adult, so not teenager levels of immunity to pain, but my body is still fairly durable and naturally fit. Though I also dont play any game with the sticks for anywhere near that duration a day.

  26. It appears to be an actual 3d model, not ai, all of the details on the armor and stuff have hard edges and are consistent

  27. Sometimes “uncrafting” something with cheats if I mess up a recipe in a machine by accident, or like giving myself a couple ingots of a cheap material if I’m barely short, like I need 70 iron but have 68

  28. Honestly, I'd probably pay to attend if they ever took place anywhere even remotely close to where I live, but I'm an OG backer from 2012. I think it would be cool to see it in person and perhaps get a chance to meet/speak with devs to get a true feel.

  29. Made it to the LA one last year, and yea it’s nice when it conveniently close. Talking directly to devs in casual conversation was definitely a highlight

  30. 48 hours, never been more than one day in a row where I didn’t shower

  31. The status of vaccination is a criteria for you? I mean same, but more like people who have any info regarding vaccination in their profile at all. Vaccinated people = "Look im a good person!", unvaccinated = "Look im so smart!" Seriously just stfu about it...

  32. “Unvaccinated” in a bio means “I don’t care about science or the wellbeing of others”, “vaccinated” in bio is just annoying, though not as stupid or as much of a red flag, while normal people just don’t put that they’re vaccinated in their bio. I (and presumably OP) am much more likely to consider someone even if they put “vaccinated” in their bio than “unvaccinated,” which is an immediate no.

  33. A right side up cup is meant to hold things in it, you do not want it holding everything it gathers in the cupboard before you use it, including spiders, cockroaches, dust, and other miscellaneous things. Upside down it is.

  34. I think you need to be able to see EVERY boss from the start. There’s simply no way I can hard pivot my entire deck in 2 blinds if I’m completely hosed. No face cards? I only have face cards!

  35. Agreed, it's often just not possible to pivot your entire build in 2 blinds, though maybe you should only be able to see one boss ahead, to still keep it a challenge.

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