
  1. Thanks for sharing. As someone who learned during high school and undergrad that I'm very susceptible to peer pressure, you outlined my worst fears about joining my program this fall. From a fellow nerd, you have my sympathies, man.

  2. I just don't get this attitude at all. It seems almost self-righteous and anti-societal.

  3. Dude, you had me thinking last week that I'd have to get an MBA to go into product from SWE. Bruh, I am telling you I see posts like this all time where these guys are saying stuff like:

  4. For every PM you see that didn't get an MBA there's 50 SWEs who tried and failed to make the jump.

  5. There is no “prestige tier” like there is for consulting cuz tech recruiting is unpredictable and it’s not as clear cut as generally the most impressive people end up at the sexiest firm.

  6. lol Americans aren’t bad at including internationals, but an MBA is still a degree program and these are your classmates. You’re going to talk to everyone in class / school organized social events, but primarily invite people you vibe with most to go out to bars, etc.

  7. lol yea this is ridiculous. Americans are by far the most inclusive of any sub-culture you’ll find at school.

  8. What made you decide to grab an MBA? Can't you just apply internally from SWE to become a PM? I've been thinking about maybe doing Kellogg, Ross, or McCombs' online programs.

  9. I wasn't a SWE but typically no, it's not easy to transfer from SWE to PM at BigTech companies. The skills they are looking for in those roles are quite different and good SWEs are very valuable so they don't promote it.

  10. Doesn't the context of the product completely determine who would best fit into that role? For example, someone from MBB and/or an MBA background would be an excellent PM for something related to corporate strategy. But if the product is some thing more technical like an API or some low level technology at Nvidia, you need someone who is a former SWE or hardware engineer.

  11. You are better off prepping by getting your alcohol tolerance up, making sure you have global entry squared away, etc.

  12. Increase tolerance, spend time fully relaxing, and spending time with family were my top priorities.

  13. Probably something like Network Architect where people only know you exist when something goes wrong

  14. Jealous of how easy you made this look. I did it twice with my 192cm 120 Bent Chetlers and I couldn't get them turn around quick enough to make the U-turn

  15. These are 194 Sender Squads. Sounds like a skill issue 😉

  16. I totally agree. I just want people to be aware that this is a factor in the billing for the ED if they ever have to make a similar decision.

  17. Point system also screwed me after a fall skiing. All I had was my wind knocked out of my but the healthcare people all basically gaslit me into thinking I may have internal bleeding and am dying without me feeling anything.

  18. Fuqua and a few others regrettably do disclose grades 😢

  19. I didn't. I found an article with a scientist saying it. That's the opposite of blind faith. That's reasoned faith in people who are supposed to know these things.

  20. This topic has divulged from an logical one to a political one. Where one side blindly says "science" when there is no definitive answer that almighty "science" tells us.

  21. Yellowstone is a totally different situation and shouldn't blindly be applied to every other situation. The main difference is that there is no hunting. In CO there's hunting! We can manage game populations just fine without wolves.

  22. We talking about the actual Hispanic students from LATAM or all of the closeted Latinos that are like 1/4th Argentine that put it on their app to get in but never talk about it cuz they're embarrassed?

  23. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's actually like this summer before making any decisions about FT.

  24. Shit like number of donation from alumni 0 to 5 years after grad, number of donation from alumni 5 to 10 years after grad, etc etc. It shows that the alumni valued their education and or are some level of successful to be able to have money to spare to their Alma mater.

  25. The reason those are metrics because they want to increase the likelihood that if you're super rich you'll donate.

  26. Most people do it for the peace of mind and so they don't have to think about finances at all. They typically are people with a lot of money but no idea on how to manage it.

  27. There is plenty of mountain space for everyone. The issue is in a carbrained country like America, there will always be problems with traffic and parking making skiing a nightmare, unless non-car options are prioritized.

  28. First and foremost, because NYC is recognized as the capital of the world. Any international who is well traveled will tell you living a few years there is a dream come true out of itself.   

  29. I’m surprised all the comments assume the loan is for trading. I’ve seen people do this with ultra low interest to pay for homes, cars, or even living expenses, where a 2-3% equity loan is preferable to selling and taking a 20-30% tax hit.

  30. Some congresspeople with obvious insider trading information did similar and at the same time bought into some stocks that skyrocketed (tech stocks, pharma, etc.). I doubt any of them were ever charged.

  31. It's a highly regarded parent university, especially within tech. It's in the top 5 for CS.

  32. What do you think about the aspect that mortgage is the only way for an average smuck to borrow $1MM and invest? I can't borrow $1MM and invest in SP500.

  33. Only 50% of the country owns any equities at all. People have to live somewhere and owning a house has been a part of the American Dream forever at this point. It's the only asset that they feel compelled to invest in, they can live in it, and then they also do a reverse mortgage if they run out of money. All that to say, it's setup in a way that makes it easy and compelling for the average American to invest.

  34. Right, well I guess I'm including HENRY as "average smuck" here. It sounds like you do believe real estate is a very strong investment vehicle for HENRY to get to "rich" level, yeah?

  35. HENRYs are absolutely not the "average smuck". I'm talking about the average American.

  36. Yes, buy a de-pilling shaver. Happens with this type of material.

  37. Fabric shavers are amazing. You can buy one for $10 and it'll transform the piece back to new.

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