
  1. Hi! I have an apartment available for subleasing if you are interested. It's a private bed and bath. I sent you a dm. Please let me know if you are interested.

  2. Hey I have an apartment near UT-Austin available for subleasing please let me know if you are interested. I also dm'ed you.

  3. Hi! I have an apartment available to sublease all the way to September. I also dm'ed you more details. please let me know if you are interested

  4. Hey! I have a private bedroom and bathroom available. Let me know if you are interested. I also dm'ed you

  5. Hey! I would be willing to accept BTC in full or as a partial payment! I sent you a pm for more details

  6. Hey! I have a private bedroom and bathroom in a 4x4 with currently one roommate if you are interested

  7. I have a private bed and bath available for subleasing. It's near UT-Austin but its a drivable distance from the domain. Rent is 1050 and its a 4x4 with only one person living in the other room.

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