
  1. I'm going off topic: how do you get the old Steam UI friends list?

  2. Is it worth playing Helldivers 1 now that 2 is out?

  3. Check out some gameplay. It's a totally different style of game. I had a lot of fun on it with friends back in 2016. Nice light casual multiplayer game. No idea how active it is these days, but bet it's had a bit of a resurgence with HD2. I'd pick it up for 8 bucks. It will either get you primed for the full-on experience of the sequel, or be a nice charming break for when HD2 gets too intense.

  4. There are a lot of soldiers ready to go with the hellpod!

  5. The mechanics are like those of Helldivers 2 but with an isometric perspective.

  6. This function is a landmark for me. I hope it will be restored somehow.

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