
  1. The remastered versions were put out for a quick buck.

  2. For me the facial animations were improved enough I have trouble going back

  3. But max doesnt even look like max in the remaster… i rly dont get how people dont even care about that :/

  4. Yeah i mentioned in my own pros/cons comment that I have mixed feelings about the changes to character appearance.

  5. Kills how so many people are listing like the most popular games of all time.

  6. Death Stranding. The concept is pretty underwhelming and the story is confusing to start, but there's just something so satisfying about playing the game.

  7. In the beginning it’s “I Can’t Live Here Anymore” taken from the middle of it, then it changes to Dreams of William. Both by Daughter, composed for the game, available on their Music from Before the Storm album.

  8. I made the mistake of using a food tracking app to help me with my weight management. I cut back to TB once every 2 weeks and my sodium intake dropped to about 1/8 of what it was before. So could be a positive spin on a tough sitch?

  9. Taco bell once made the news for quietly but drastically reducing the sodium of their menu some years ago. Seemed like nobody complained but since then they've jacked it back up. Probably realized why they did it in the first place. It's addictive.

  10. Why do people turn every sub into weight watchers? People just want to talk about Taco Bell food prices, not about weight loss or nutrition.

  11. People complain about people talking about the food prices too.

  12. The nazi party died 80 years ago. There's zero point in trying to use it as leverage against someone who disagrees with your politics.

  13. Nazis and nazism does not solely refer to the party from germany. Even dictionaries and encyclopedias illustrate this.

  14. Nazi just means "person I disagree with politically." It has no greater meaning than that.

  15. TBH I can see the statistic being true in that light. We are a tiny minority amongst the already tiny minority of people that call themselves vegan. Both my parents call themselves vegan, wear more "I'm a vegan" apparel than I do, but still "occasionally" (regularly) consume animal products, and think nothing of being vegan outside of their diet. Like my mom eats mayo and ranch dressing, because she "can't find vegan versions she likes." My dad eats a corned beef reuben on St. Patrick's day "because it's a tradition." They'll regularly order dishes with meat or cheese and "just pick the meat and cheese off so it's fine." And if I say anything about it I'm being "extremist."

  16. Nothing reddit likes better than a black person confirming their biases.

  17. Wind noise with ANC has been a problem for me across multiple earphone models. Even ones that specifically have wind noise modes. I just turn it off when it's a problem.

  18. The odds of Brandon Sanderson writing an MMF polyamorous thruple are sub-zero.

  19. Yes because having a relationship with your little sister is weird.

  20. How do you feel about their newer comics like Steeple and Wicked things? Haven't really felt like I've heard anyone talk about them.

  21. Wicked things was meh. Steeple didn't grab me at first but I almost like it as much as Giant Days now.

  22. probably not much since i live in a non speaking english country, aside from that, i don’t know what you want me to tell you. i was a mentally ill teen with no parents, i didn’t have much other options. im trying to work on changing that’s all i can tell you.

  23. Yeah, I don't blame you. It can be an insidious trap for society's neglected and disaffected. Been there myself.

  24. Let's call a spade a spade here for a sec, spaces described as ones "brave women fought to create" for the most part these days I'd a fucking dogwhistle that means "spaces where white upper middle class cishet women can freely practice the kind of mean girl bullshit social hazing they always have while leveraging the language of social progressiveness and feminism."

  25. Anecdotal but I feel like I run into terfs a lot more often in black women's online spaces than others.

  26. No particular recipe but a tip, if you're going to add vanilla/almond/whatever extract wait til you're ready to actually eat it. Much better fresh.

  27. For some reason until now I thought cryptics were logic spren. They certainly act like it. What the heck are they? People call them liespren because they are fascinated with lies but that only seems to be because they are so logical that lies are a foreign concept to them. So they're certainly not a personification of lies.

  28. Becoming president is a hell of a suicide plan but you have my vote.

  29. Honestly I think Steris and her billion plans is also very Hollywood, but the people in that series are very cartoonish

  30. Depends on what form they're in. And whether you're a horneater.

  31. Who shoots first, hormonal 14 year old student, or geriatric maths teacher

  32. Whichever one is more likely to vote for putting more guns in schools.

  33. I loved it but the gameplay loop got stale and I never finished it.

  34. Unfortunately she was unlucky enough to cross paths with two people who turned out to be maniacs. It happens sometimes, and it's really unfair.

  35. Yeah, even if someone hated Rachel, seeing how it affected Chloe can break your heart.

  36. Yeah, it ended on such a happy note! You know she's doomed but you can at least reflect on the good times they had together. But then they had to rip your heart out with that after credits scene.

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