
  1. Yep. The discords in the sidebar all host spelltable games. The main one (Home Base) is the most one-size-fits-all. Sanctuary PDH and Common Connoisseurs are solely for competitive play.

  2. Need to put an extra line break in between each to get the spacing you actually want

  3. That's what I did but it's still shows this wayšŸ˜“

  4. No you didn't. Need ANOTHER line break. As in a second one. Like this:

  5. Either way, if you're using combo as your main gameplan, red rummaging spells like [[Thrill of Possibility]] are going to be the main way you dig for pieces. Quintorius gains more value from those spells filling the grave, even though Caparocti provides more direct card advantage. I want to say Quintorius gives many of your combo pieces usefulness outside of the combo, too.

  6. The rarity restrictions overrule card text. Same reasoning as to why 60-card Pauper and PDH don't allow all the rare companions.

  7. They seem to be trying to find a balance between that and heavily encouraging cooperative play. I noticed devs that seem to really want to encourage cooperative player overestimate the shared competence of strangers who often times do not use mics, many of which are too shy to do so. GTA Online originally forced you to have 4 players to do heists, now the newer one allows for solo play, they learned their lesson lmao.

  8. That was the problem with Evolve, too. The game was balanced around pro play with coordinated hunter parties, so whenever you had 4 randoms that weren't communicating well (as was the case for the majority of players), the balance was always extremely in the monster's favor.

  9. Evolve was so much damn fun when you had a real team. Was so sad at the end of its life when it was impossible to find a game where at least one of your teammates wasnā€™t just wandering off in a random direction on their own completely dooming the round for you

  10. I absolutely loved the depth of mechanics and tactics in the game, but my friend group was too casual to get over that steep learning curve :-(

  11. Definitely is. If you're wanting to get weird, affinity for artifacts and delve are popular ways to cheat a bit and not just make a normal ramp/stomp deck

  12. The main pauper commander discord has matchmaking. Most people play on cockatrice,, or spelltable, but you might be able to find some other people with xmage.

  13. Or just let matchmaking bring two randos in? If someone does something you dont like, kick them, and another rando will come in.

  14. As somebody that played a total of 8 games with 3-players last night and never once got a random to join, that's funny.

  15. I never have a problem on level 8s. Hell, people will leave them new ones join zero problem.

  16. "I don't experience this issue, therefore it must not exist."

  17. /uj I am also a Pauper player (I have 40 decks currently). Monarch is simple, it's fairly easy to track and I like the risk/reward element; so I don't mind it. The 'Venture into the...' mechanic feels really 'not Magic' to me, it's annoying to track even with the tokens and I hate that it is such a powerful mechanic. I am glad that they banned the four cost creatures just to make it less prominent in the format.

  18. Brian DeMars has a Baleful Strix combo control PDH deck he's played on stream a few times, and it performed really well.

  19. Generally, commander has issues with power level imbalances because it's such an incredibly large range of powers. Like a power level 7 and a 9 feel WORLDS apart.

  20. IF this change is because stealth was too good at 1/2 players, then they should have specifically nerfed the scout armor for smaller groups, not make the entire game harder for everyone including those that don't use stealth

  21. 3+ turret builds are like a keg stand. Looks fun, but tends to make a mess.

  22. Kind of a riff on a Lionā€™s Tail, but I was also inspired by Gordonā€™s Breakfast with the inclusion of cucumber, and the herbal liqueurs were mostly just thrown in because fuck it why not. This turned out surprisingly good, I wasnā€™t even sure if itā€™d be any good.

  23. Being able to put these on our capes, with them taking up most of the cape would be badass. Rep your favorite strats. Make it unlockable when you, personally, have a very high number of kills with a given stratagem. Like

  24. The airburst launcher sounds like it's for anti air combat. If they're going to make flying enemies a bigger part of the game, they will eventually need to give us a tool to deal with them

  25. Yeah, but I was specifically referencing the mechanics of how it played and trying to set up a more 1-to-1 comparison to how I hoped it would work in Helldivers. Unfortunately, it appears my optimism was misplaced.


  27. you're right, it seems like the mines didn't do anything if the leak is to be believed

  28. Even if they did, the odds of your fellow Diver having the required IQ to deploy them are very low

  29. There's a lot of stuff given away for free through watching streams, ads, etc. Some of us have also been playing this game for many years and put in a little money every now n then to support Blue Mammoth as they continue to support this game we like.

  30. Agreed. Built a dozen PDH decks out of my bulk back in Jan/Feb and they have been performing pretty well against more optimized PDH decks.

  31. So dead in comparison to this sub though. I've gotten way more feedback and response on pedh posts on this sub as opposed to the specialty sub.

  32. "Smaller than the largest format in all of magic? Clearly dead." Jeeze, what a braindead take. By that logic, why does anyone ever go anywhere but

  33. Sure, low power compared to cedh. Iā€™m sure that a well tuned pauper edh deck can easily compete with the types of decks OP is describing

  34. (not arguing for the over-simplified vew of the person you're responding to, just rambling about the difference in cPDH vs cEDH decks and how cPDH decks mix better with mid-power pods than cEDH decks do.)

  35. I donā€™t think you achieve the result of sweet and sour with a dash of citrus. The drinks looks a bit to sweet, and the pineapple is the last thing you need to remove since it has some acidity in it, next to the syrups and liqueurs that have high sugar contents without giving acidity.

  36. The different deaths in dead space were always a personal favorite. I purposely went out of my way to die to each enemy type several times in the remake. Absolutely brutal and bloody, visceral perfection.

  37. Super surprised this one isn't higher up. I would specifically point to the disembodied head that rips off your head, crams itself into your neck, and then walks off with your body. Or the closeup in the second game of putting a massive needle through your eye, and if you fail the minigame, it impales through your eye socket and into your brain.

  38. Yes, there are most certainly republicans in this thread.

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