
  1. Dump incoming to collect all gains like last few days...

  2. FDA approval of one of their drugs’ next trial phase (I think gall cancer or something). Probably still plenty of room to rocket, I‘m thinking to enter full regard…

  3. Hang on… something is off… have we found a bottom for one day? Something smells smelly… #still-bagholder

  4. Stay tuned for the daily dump… but I‘m not giving up my hope today might be different and ending in green - at last. *camp bagholder

  5. Super difficult to say… fundamentals haven‘t changed except market has now fully priced in the no-June hike. Compare to the Nov. Sell-off, there we had a similar setup. It might slide a few more % in SPY, probably another 5% slide in NQ. But start loading up long slowly but surely. A panic day in the middle of the rate sell-off is good to get in. Just leave your hands off anything with theta! though that might be a stupid comment in this sub 🤣

  6. Calls at close, sell at open, buy puts at open, sell at 1-2. Is that the play?

  7. Same here. There will be the day where it flips. Meanwhile 1-2 rate cuts priced in. It‘s going to find a bottom soon. Just don‘t do options, theta is a bitch.

  8. Lol… also in Baden entlang der Limmat vom Thermalbad Therme 47 flussab am linken Ufer entlang hat es kilometerweise. Aber sie sind schon bald verblüht, also beeilt Euch!

  9. Probably not priced in fully. The problem is not the attack that just happened. The problem is Israel’s retaliation on Iran‘s retaliation, then retaliation of retaliation of retaliation, etc. Market may drop until the world is tired of the headlines. Give it a week or so. Israel‘s PM needs to entertain this for some time to get internally better support.

  10. Israel should just cut this turd loose and nuke Iran. The whole thing. God commands it because they are the people of Israel. They aren't nukes, they are God's wrath in nuke format.

  11. Name which one and we make it happen! Edit: how about ASTS? Low volumes, used to be hype, can easily become hype again with recent news… lot‘s of shorts from hedgies which we don‘t like…

  12. It mainly depends on what you do with your money. Buying a house means you lock significant money up and load up on debt. Nobody can tell if property in CH keep going more or less than stocks or cash. If you had your money in global stocks the past 2-3 years you fared better than with property and gains would have covered your rent 2-3x vs. property instead of stocks. In the CH market these days it’s really that it‘s almost purely an opportunity cost decision on wether to buy or rent (because long-term you have no real advantage to own a paid off house due to the tax penalty on peoperty).

  13. Thanks, great insights! Any chance you have granularity for central london performance vs. rest of UK?

  14. What‘s the most and least expected news that we will be facing today? Any bets to upside or downside moving news?

  15. Not sure if holding an ES position over a weekend constitutes "YOLO" . . . ? Is every long or short trade. regardless of size, underlying, etc. now considered to be a so called "YOLO"?

  16. True, depends on how many multiples of my total assets that is 😬. Feels like YOLO to me…

  17. ASTS coming out with a business update 1st April 5pm eastern time. I monitored this since a while and last week got in with 5k shares. It can pop anytime. Good play for us regards!

  18. There's someone in here that spent a milly on that stock when the price was 8 bucks per share

  19. Yeah I don‘t have that kind of conviction nor YOLO-spirit yet… probably the reason why I can still enjoy Wendy‘s without clenching my ass.

  20. I do feel the stakes are somewhat different for the people who live in the home of a “hobby landlord” though. For us it is our home, for you guys it is a hobby.

  21. Well, I'm renting where I live now. Letting in London. Rent vs. buy is an economic decision, nothing else.

  22. These calls are insane. $400 for a $60 call? Fuck that.

  23. Really interesting one. Why not short one, long the other one? Smells like free money. Normally, it isn‘t free money. So where is the catch? Is it going bankrupt and class B will be lower priority for chapter 11 restructure measures or pay out of liquidated assets? There must be a catch… if not, YOLO on this spread.

  24. I am trying to short PARAA but my broker doesn't allow it... Gives me a weird error.

  25. Never used them but cwg and maxar are the gold standards.

  26. Thank you sir, I'm trialling one of those, looks promising. Appreciate the hint.

  27. Haha fair enough! And look, I love it when people find niches so perhaps you’ve stumbled across a goldmine (I hope so!). The short answer from my side is that I have never used and you would probably be best sending your queries directly to them if you can’t find answers on their website.

  28. Thanks, yeah you have a few good points! So surely, just going with the 10-day weather forecast isn't enough of an edge. I was actually a commodity quant in one of the above usual suspect big commodity traders, so know a bit about it. These guys have a whole different infrastructure and capital to trade - not the kind of fund a retail trader will ever find. However, they don't go for the 500k, 1m, 5m USD opportunities in the short-term trading space. These are niches where just being right e.g. 53% of the time instead of pure randomness (50% right) it's possible to make a living. So that's what I want to explore.

  29. Structure for me was 50% base and 50% bonus as a quant/analyst/automation lead. Base depends on seniority, I started with 100k fix and they told me that‘s the very upper limit because they don‘t want people being able to live a decent life on the fix. ;) When you prove your value as quant on a profitable desk you‘ll quickly make variable in the 7 figures after a couple if years. If you stay in the central/group AI-team it‘s a bit more difficult to proof your value add, so arguing for P&L-impact directly from from your work is difficult. So there you will likely stay in the 200-300k total comp. Btw. be prepared to not have much of a life if you are after big bonus, I worked 6d/week 14h/d to make an impression. Worth it, experience is very valuable, but you have to want it.

  30. Im a college student considering going into commodity trading, can I dm u?

  31. Sure, not often on the app though, but will try to remember :)

  32. It‘s very simple: fail a few on the silly paper tests or other exams, answer questions wrong, play a bit dumb. Worked great for me! I was in the top selection from start from the Aushebung (sports, IQ and other tests). So I knew I was at risk. To counter I played dumb (not easy as an ambitious and disciplined guy). Had to redo a couple of tests and clean some cars in the middle of the night once in a while as punishment. But it was worth it, they didn't pull me for WM. After the decision I played normal again, they were a bit surprised by my sudden personality change.

  33. Interesting thread, thanks! I‘m very interested in this strategically, but not familiar with the dynamics. I know oil/gas/power well and there the demand is only half the picture for price action. How is that on uranium? Is there some kind of price collar set by supply? e.g. price can‘t fall below level X because they will just shut down mines, i.e. reduce supply that then stabilizes price drop? Same thing on capping upside: if demand shoots up, prices go up, then will they simply increase mining and enriching capacity which limits price action up?

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