
  1. Tell someone you think it might be a human body part and I’m sure they’ll make it a priority

  2. The last one I tried started at $15 for a burrito. Just a burrito. In a not fancy part of town outside a run down gas station. Idk if they don’t do market research or their overhead is too high or they think people will pay it but for that much I’ll sit down somewhere decent.

  3. Honestly I feel like they know people are excited for the experience of eating from a food truck

  4. Ah fuck here we go again. Good thing I wasn’t gonna make it by 6:40 first pitch anyway

  5. At the game right now and they said it's a delay " not a lengthy one"

  6. There’s a sound ordinance that would prevent them from being set off when the game is now expected to end

  7. Oreily has a lot of wrinkles. What happened to him?

  8. He’s constantly on Progressive commercials. Of all the actors from the show we’ve been able to watch him age the most consistently lol

  9. Be ready for brief fireworks if the Reds hit a home run and/or after the Phillies finish batting in the top of the 9th and Reds win!

  10. I feel strongly that his nickname should be in Spanish so he knows how much we care, just like how he cared enough to learn how to talk to us in English.

  11. I’m so tired of John Sadak trying to be cute calling the game. “Big Fly” was bad enough for HR, but now he called the Angels the Halos. Not to mention adding a “y” to the players names … Espy, Candy, etc. Just call the game. Bring back Jim Day

  12. How bout Carm’s secret dish - sushi?🍱

  13. Was he popular with the MAGA types for some reason? Reminds me of the MAGA trolls in

  14. Also all of the hype feels manufactured. I don’t know a single person who cares about the wnba still but the coverage would make you believe you’d actually hear your basketball-fan-friends talking about it at all

  15. I mean, the numbers aren’t manufactured. I’m not sure how much it will translate to the whole league but the viewership and attendance for her games was crazy this year

  16. They had a decent showing this year. It wasn’t as good as last year, but still decent.

  17. I'm confused at you sharing this without context. There's a few clear misses here but it seems to be a well-umpired game for the most part. Is that what you're attempting to communicate?

  18. So fucking good. I’m on season 4 of Oz and there are so many actors from The Wire

  19. Apple TV graphics remain unmatched. It looks so good. Crisp and clean. Hope the commentating has gotten better this year though.

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