
  1. I think the title is wrong, "FCC reinstates net neutrality in a win for consumers".

  2. Yeah seriously, title is based as fuck. I am not going to give them a click just to see what they have written. Whoever says this is a "blow" to anyone can go fuck themselves

  3. Who calls this a "screw" bike? It is ok if you have never heard of omniwheels but have you never seen a screw in your life?

  4. TBH, I'm surprised it took this long to figure it out. Training LLMs is expensive. I just hope these ads stay easily recognizable and GPT just doesn't randomly name-drop products you could "find useful".

  5. I have ADHD and I fucking hate the "there's nothing wrong with you, you're just a special snowflake who doesn't do well under capitalism" narrative. Motherfucker, being hypersensitive to criticism, unable to leave the house on time, and incapable of making yourself do even things you enjoy doing would be massive problems under any system.

  6. It would be ok in a tribal society probably

  7. When boomers complain about how the new generation is bad at parenting etc. this is the kind of shit they fondly remember

  8. People who argue for negotiation with Russia are blind and uneducated about recent history

  9. you’re right, better kill a few hundred thousand men in a war that doesn’t seem to go in ukraines favour. if western aid is stopped front lines will hang on by a thread. that is definitely better than trying to come to an agreement?

  10. Haven't seen that one for a while. Maybe they finally ran out of money to give to Reddit

  11. Can we talk about this line-drawing-math thing for a minute?

  12. First time I've seen it. It probably help explains multiplication to kindergartners. Definitely not a "way" of doing multiplication

  13. You either accept new homes or new homeless people in your neighborhood. Choose one, not neither

  14. That's not a machine gun, that's a friggin' anti-aircraft gun

  15. That is great, that weird dust effect was the only really obvious visual bug.

  16. Higher texture quality would not help with pop in.

  17. Let me say it this way, the cause of pop-is not low texture quality

  18. Well this one is just dubbed over the original song.

  19. That sounds like someone's got something hooked up that they're not supposed to?

  20. Or there is a short somewhere

  21. I see the problem. There appears to be an issue with the mains from the pole

  22. And also, dubbed for some reason.

  23. We are very fortunate that the overwhelming majority of people are law abiding and considerate of each other

  24. I was attacked randomly by a man yesterday in Amsterdam. To be fair I can rationalize it knowing that it's a rarity, that this can happen unfortunately and that it wasn't a personal attack. I made a "melding" with the police for statistics reasons, when the police gets them they can appropriately divide resources. I advise you to do the same. We live in a relatively safe country, nasty people/teens are everywhere unfortunately

  25. Does Netherlands have a problematic youth problem? Stats on crimes committed by adults are relatively low but it feels like the teens have an entirely different universe

  26. She seems to be weirding everyone out while they have a fun party.

  27. I don't know what the fuck is going on here

  28. They said "that's my car" ? They have a car?

  29. And that folks is why y’all close the windows if firework season is on

  30. Living in the Netherlands, I don't know when this "season" is. Idiots start as early as October now and it is infuriating not knowing if something is just an idiot with fireworks or something more serious like an explosion

  31. He is using the same glass for all of them though. Maybe there is cross contamination at some point

  32. He has drank thousands of litres of wine in the past.

  33. It really does look like AB expanding foam. The "poke it with a stick" recommendations are accurate. Maybe a screwdriver. If it's that kind of foam, it'll go "crunch". If it goes "squish", you've got some biology happening. Edit- I thought about it some more. If you poke it with a stick and it leaps up and latches onto your face, call 911 immediately.

  34. Why? Just to have them listen to muffled screams?

  35. 0.1% of U.S. population has more than $100milion per household. Is U.S. a country of millionaires?

  36. My annual reminder that mAH is actually a pretty shit way to measure capacity. Watt Hour is much more comprehensive.

  37. Isn't it the same assuming voltage is constant?

  38. I think you’re ignoring the fact that Apple really makes a big deal of its pro-environmental efforts. When you even have an infomercial starring Mother Nature you just can’t get away with stuff like this. 

  39. We are seeing them get away with it, currently

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