
  1. To shift money from investor to non-investor is the primary and only target of shorting. Its legal stealing.

  2. The nicest thing is: The negative quarters have been compensated and have no debt generated in the end, means we don't drag them around.

  3. Tesla layoffs der letzten Jahre.

  4. Well I guess now ich bin from außen and work 5 hours regulĂ€r and 35 overstunden. I hold it in the head not out.

  5. In MĂŒnchen gibt es ein Windrad, das steht auf einem MĂŒllberg und das geht auch bis auf paar Meter runter. Das ist aber auch abgesperrtes BetriebsgelĂ€nde

  6. Das stand schon in den 2000er Jahren rum. Das muss sich richtig rentiert haben.

  7. Solltest du Helikopter und Adlerschreie hören, ist es eine ÖLQuelle

  8. one of my hypothesis is, that when gme is in the stratosphere and the stock halted, the pressure to bring new shares into the market will be enormous, so that gamestop might be pressured into selling shares into the market. while not optimal, this would bring gigantic sums of money into the company. and not any shares into new hands, since they would be needed to make IOU`s into real shares in ape hands. after that a special dividend :D

  9. lets say 600B stock with 10$ are 6B Dollaridoos.

  10. If I could do math I wouldn't be here.

  11. Everything smaller the size of a country can be swapped/hedged. It costs.

  12. Well gme is *now country level huh?

  13. Die Anna ist ne richtig geile Sau mit ihren 36 Subwoofern im Wohnzimmer đŸ€ŸđŸŒ

  14. Erst wenn der Subbass die Katze inhaliert...

  15. 3 Times, German Roads, always a BMW driver speeding. Very close calls.

  16. 7 mill volume and barely moved lol, hedges fucked.


  18. If you look at car and woman seperately, both are well done. But the scale between them is completely off. A VW Golf/Rabbit is not a large car, but it's not that small.

  19. Deckard's dream is great. Having played both that and the cs80 I would say that a vital part of it's sounds is running it through a decent reverb

  20. Thats right. Big CS80 sounds require a big reverb.

  21. Überall wo es nicht zu trocken oder zu heiß wird fĂŒr die Flora profitiert die Flora vom Co2 Anstieg. Nur WaldbrĂ€nde, Trockenperioden, heißer Äquator vernichten eben mehr Flora. Und Wegen mehr Co2 wachsen jetzt auch nicht wesentlich mehr Pflanzen.

  22. think about what 10ct dividend would be if that number would be correct.

  23. How many drones does it take to change a light bulb?

  24. Build is plastic but very sturdy. Leads are great, you might need additional external FX on top

  25. Habe derzeit die gleiche Stelle in meinem Unternehmen, allerdings wird site reliability hier nur sehr allgemein benutzt und ich habe mehr Security Governance Themen.


  27. "You were born to deploy kubernetes clusters"gibt mir GÀnsehaut. Davon werde ich AlbtrÀume haben.

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