
  1. Have you thought about seeing a good reputable chiropractor? Make sure your spine is aligned. If things are out of wack there, it could affect your gut and a lot of other things.

  2. To add onto this, CDC and the government aren’t idiots. They’re not going to inflate the numbers when it’ll backfire on them so quickly (if the goal was to blame the unvaccinated, you’d lose your excuse.)

  3. You create your own reality. You make your own future. The future does not exist yet. The past no longer exists. Only the present exists presently. It’s your job to bring what you want into your present moment through your actions. If you don’t want to marry that girl, then don’t. If you like your current girlfriend, then keep that going. No psychic is 100%. Don’t let words of any psychic influence your reality in a way other than what you desire. Take your life into your own hands. The future isn’t written out, it’s uncertain. It all depends on your actions and everyone else’s actions. No one can say for certain what the future will hold.

  4. Your future husband should love and accept you for who you are, and inspire you to want to be the best version of yourself, NOT try to change you into his perfect little trophy wife.

  5. I refuse to fly commercially with my family to see my extended family for Christmas because I believe forcing masks on my toddlers is child abuse. I am dying on this hill.

  6. It’s more like .0001%. But yeah I know what you mean. I have felt for a long time that people like bill gates, Hillary Clinton, Adam schiff, mark zucherburg, and Jeff bezos are demon possessed. It’s something about the eyes in the last 3. But many more for sure. They sold their souls. Demons are controlling them. Just listen to that interview Beyoncé gave when she talks about being possessed by Sasha Fierce onstage. It doesn’t stop there, there are many more famous artists who say similar things.

  7. I think that you all should go see a marriage counselor together. Whenever he feels tempted to cheat he should call his marriage counselor to talk. Once a month regardless of his temptations he should take you out to a nice dinner just because you’re his wife, not because he feels guilty.

  8. I have quite a bit of loopring on coinbase and I really don’t want to have to pay the ridiculous gas fees…

  9. Why is it a constitutional right to end the life of another human body with DNA different from your own? It’s not. If anything it would be protecting the basic human rights of the baby human. Abortion is murder.

  10. There is a generation disconnect between us. You think it’s ok to be ignorant and ask dumb questions. I think it’s the responsibility of the individual to be as educated as possible and only ask questions that are deeper then easy to find facts. We are not the same.

  11. No, no. We are indeed not the same. We are as dissimilar as the DNA between a woman and her unborn child. We are different.

  12. You’re not the monster and she doesn’t see you as the monster. What she is doing, having her own private money stash, is fairly common and encouraged. Many women are told to do this when they are married. My mom has one. I know my dad’s mom had one. None of them ever needed it but you hear so many insane stories that it’s just like a 1/1000 chance insurance policy. Its like a safety net. And it doesn’t have to be in case you start abusing her, it could be in case of any sort of emergency or catastrophe, maybe something health related.

  13. I sold cardano (ADA) at $2 and bought Loopring at 50 cents. Now cardano is $1.50 and Loopring is $3. Yay!

  14. Nice! I just downloaded the wallet. I wanted to see gas fees from coinbase so I was about to transfer just $8 of LRC to see how much it costs. It costs around $17.

  15. He is not going to change. He is never going to acknowledge your faithfulness, so you need to let go of the idea that he ever will. If you stay, it will get worse and he will harm you and he could kill you. If you value yourself, you should leave. You do deserve better and you will be better off alone than with a partner who physically abuses you.

  16. I have a strong gun instinct not to take it. Big red flags going off. I’ve learned throughout life that I better trust my gut instinct or regret not doing so. The more time goes on, the more I am happy to have not gotten it.

  17. Your ex won’t give you closure. He will never give you closure. You will always feel like he owes you something for being so shitty to you, but no matter how many chances you give him to do the right thing, apologize, give you closure, etc, he won’t do it. He won’t because he doesn’t want to. He wants YOU. giving you closure and letting you go is impossible for him. He wants to believe that there is some possibility of you two being together again and he has to know that he can still emotionally manipulate you, so he will. Meeting him is risky because you will be disappointed and want to go back to fix it. It’s best to just let it go. Let him go. Cut all ties in your mind. Try to forgive him for your own sake, and move on.

  18. I’m commenting because there’s so much good info here and I want to come back and read.

  19. It goes up. Then it goes down. Then it goes up. Then it goes down. The. It goes up. Looks like LRC is on sale to me, and then it will go up. Such is the nature of investments.

  20. I don’t want people to know my financial situation… I would rather just blend in than have friends/ family ask me for money.

  21. I’ve had it many times, always involuntary, spontaneous, and it happened frequently about 6-7 years ago. It hasn’t happened recently.

  22. YES! it’s on sale. $3 is around the about lowest it will go during this market cycle. IMO $3 or below is a great time to buy.

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