
  1. Wasn’t an easy find. I think it’s this the post titled “I thought the ticker was dead”

  2. Let people enjoy a couple of green days. It's a nice boost to morale.

  3. Lots of things are discussed including RC and GME

  4. Look I get that Reddit is sucking right now. But Reddit is literally the only app I use. Compared to the guys I know, I’m open minded. But a TON of people who use Reddit and don’t enjoy figuring out new apps or websites will not follow.

  5. At this point, for me, the censorship on this platform is indefensible. Back when this all started you could literally cross post from sub to sub. Now you can’t even mention another sub without obfuscating it in some way. You can’t post screenshots with other sub names, you can’t post screenshots with usernames let alone tag users directly. Control the narrative, sow distrust (warranted or not) between the subs, users and mods. That’s their play. They want us to stay here more than anything and I think they’re going to regret banning the pp sub.

  6. I'd be ok with a league like that if it happens naturally (all maps go out of rotation at the same time), but I don't think it's something GGG should force.

  7. I saw someone wearing a GS shirt while traveling overseas this year. I got excited, but what if they're just hardcore gamers lol?

  8. Aw shit i'm an idiot. i have a dex/int base, No wonder.

  9. If you're using Awakened PoE Trade you can set hotkeys (under settings > item info) to open your specific base/item on PoeDB and Craft of Exile. I find it super helpful.

  10. I was disappointed to learn the same thing happens with my ward loop build. Pretty much impossible to do any kind of totem rush strat.

  11. I'm no expert so this might sound stupid, but I do agree that I think it's more likely Hwang was long GME, but do you think CS may therefore be net. short as they took a short position to hedge Archegos' long?

  12. The massive dump was March 10th and OP's comment you're responding to says Archegos didn't collapse until March 26th. Your March timeline only makes sense if CS liquidated Hwang's position _before_ the Archegos collapse.

  13. Yeah fair play, that does make more sense. Basically I know nothing and I'm confused

  14. No worries, I'm in the same boat. I like that the discussion is being had and hopefully things become clearer as more people chime in.

  15. Since when do banks make margin calls?

  16. People finally noticed all that negative debt

  17. Pacer showing RC as a bidder on a certain chapter 11 company. One of the top posts somewhere else.

  18. It's part of this video. OP's video starts at 2:38

  19. How does that story even make sense though? "Investors" woke up in premarket and all decided to sell the wrong ticker?

  20. OP killin it! So much support for our company in one purchase.

  21. Imagine a try-before-you-buy system. Wouldn’t that be something

  22. You can still transfer shares in, can't you?

  23. I think I just got pushed off the fence about whether the mods are compromised

  24. Hmmm, why are they still covering GameStop?

  25. I can see the 20% quality mirror arrows in your inventory, or should i call them 1 Gemcutters prism? Gratz on the divines tho!

  26. I've been playing since Metamorph and only realized last league why those cards show up on the Neversink loot filters.

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