
  1. Well damn I guess I have to quit now too 😭 ughhhh I feel you on that bc I’m a heavy vaper too I really lose my mind if I can’t vape it was the hardest my entire pregnancy all I craved was nicotine but I couldn’t do that to my baby so I was just irritable waiting to have my vape back 💀I honestly have no idea how I’m gonna do it but I’d like to see if my heart issues resolve if I do stop !!

  2. Honestly I chew the shit outta nicotine gum 😂 it’s a compromise I guess lol. It’s expensive per box but depending on how much you vape/how much gum you use it might be less expensive. I hadn’t tried this but you could also try the pouches like Zyn. The fact that the nicotine gum doesn’t fuck with my HR but the vaping does makes me wonder if it’s not just the nicotine but the other stuff in the vape that makes my HR crazy 🤷‍♀️

  3. Seriously tho… ugh isn’t there formaldehyde or whatever in vapes ? 😭😭😭

  4. I am so incredibly sorry you’re dealing with this. My son had colic and reflux and he’s 9.5 months old now. We just did every thing we could to survive. I had major PPD and PPA and definitely had some suicidal points. I wasn’t able to even soothe him until 4 or 5 months in. He honestly didn’t sleep flat on his back for the first probably 4 months of his life. He would either sleep in his bouncy chair, swing or on his tummy, all of which are considered big no-no’s. I will tell you the things I wish I had known then:

  5. My little dude also wasn’t a big meat kid. I felt like all my BLW friends raved about how their kids favorite food was steak and my son was more into sweet potato.

  6. Oh wow that’s definitely not as much as I thought it was. That’s super helpful to know! Thank you!

  7. I know you are doing purées but may I suggest ground meats? It’s been a hit with co it’s my kids and when made into meatloafs and meatballs, can be the right size for little hands. I’ve tried those puréed meats. I truly don’t understand how anyone can eat these 😅

  8. Yes! I tried making a kind of ground turkey “tender” by fashioning it into strips and then baking them. He was not a fan 😂 but I’ve only done it once so it’s not really a fair estimate yet. I think I will keep trying it in different forms and see what happens

  9. Run your household like a job during the week.

  10. Keeping a schedule during the week was a must for me. It also made the weekends much more enjoyable and I got quality time with my kids and husband.

  11. We’ve finally got him on a general schedule which is nice (just in time for daylight savings 🙄) and I’m a big fan of schedules in my own life. I’m hoping I can get the hang of the new schedule with this next job quickly and get in a good rhythm!

  12. I needed this laugh today. I tried to do an early dismissal last night, didn't go great.

  13. I feel that. These bosses can be relentless sometimes. Mine’s one of those younger ones that moved up in the business pretty quickly in the first 9 months. Today when I was leaving for my other job, he insinuated he wanted me to quit my other job to work more overtime for him.

  14. I tried once to request 2 hours of leave during nap time. It was accepted with smiles and sleepy yawns but unfortunately was rescinded after 30 minutes when an emergency came up - giant poonami and then urgent play time.

  15. Oh darn! You must be in an on-call position too. I’m even on-call overnights and sometimes there are so many emergencies where there’s no other employee available.

  16. IMO these are not the boots. You can try an insole but I don’t think they’ll ever be comfortable for walking. They’re painful to look at, lol. Anything else in your quiver of shoes that will work?

  17. This sounds extremely similar to my story, minus the home birth part and it was my left side that didn’t take. Did you feel them cut into you? I sure as hell did. I was passing out from the pain.

  18. Oh my god, that sounds traumatic. No i didn't feel anything. They took out my original epidural (turns out the resident doctor placed it a little off) and the attending anesthesiologist gave me a spinal block for the c section. I was basically fully numb chest down. I'm so sorry you had to go thru that!

  19. I wish they had taken out my original and put in a new one! It was a nurse anesthetist and he had students with him when he placed it. He narrated what he was doing while putting it in and even made it sound like he didn’t get it right the first time and had to take it out and put it back it. And guess what! He didn’t get it right the second time either.

  20. Ahhhh ours had colic too! It’s so rough. Thank God it’s getting better as he gets older.

  21. Not always being confident I'm doing the right thing. Some decisions are obvious, but others are a lot less clear. For example, sometimes when my 16mo. old wakes up crying it's crystal clear that we need to go in, and we do, right away. But sometimes he wakes up at night and he's crying or fussing, but his cries aren't distress cries or are intermittent, and he settles within twenty or thirty seconds and he can either get himself back to sleep, or he just chills in his crib and plays with his blanket / babbles. Historically, those cries are the worst to enter his room with because we ultimately do more harm than good when it comes to getting him back to sleep. But I always question myself, and my anxiety surges. Am I doing the right thing? Does my son know he can depend on us when he needs help? Does he think he's all alone? Does he feel abandoned?

  22. YES. I feel this so much. How old is your little one? I’ve noticed it’s gotten better as he’s gotten older because I can soothe him now and I’m learning to distinguish between cries.

  23. Yeah frankly if my husband said that I would tell him to go fuck himself. Cook food for yourself but not him. He can find his own damn food to eat.

  24. Oooh girl. I’m feeling this right now so much. I got a job offer making more somewhere else and my current boss says she “prides herself” on being supportive of her employees and supporting work/life balance. She also said she never wants someone to feel “trapped” at her practice. But she’s decided if I take the offer she’s going to enforce the noncompete I signed and she’s not going to pay me more. Fed me sooo much BS it made me so angry. Our son is 6 months old and we need a bigger house and more reliable vehicle and I’ve had more money going out than coming in since we’ve had him. It’s such bull. I’ve had job offers elsewhere that don’t violate the noncompete and I’m going for one right now making sooo much more. Fingers crossed I get it. It’s just sad because I absolutely love my clients and they won’t be able to come with me.

  25. I'm a bit of a gossip but have "rules" for myself with it. If it's something not connected to the person I'm telling (such as gossiping about a family member to a friend who's never met tvem), then i consider it ok.

  26. Yeah I’m having a hard time because it’s the nanny that watches my baby. She watches kids for 2 other moms and she’s constantly talking about things they do that annoy her, which begs the question, is she talking about me to them? My gut says probably.

  27. Oh I’m the best with boundaries. I’m a 2 🤦‍♀️

  28. I would take it up with your coordinator at the VA. Some states allow a lot of shenanigans with mental health services. As far as billing, medicare has very specific rules on billing and who is treating and I think those rules apply to the VA billing. At least as explained by my physical therapist a few years ago.

  29. If that’s the case and they follow Medicaid billing laws then I think it is legal which is ridiculous because she’s making a straight profit off of veterans.

  30. I’m a licensed clinician and trying to leave the place to go somewhere else but the practice owner is pulling some shady shit to get me to stay/prevent me from working elsewhere. Others in the practice think she is committing fraud. We have unpaid interns who see VA clients and it is billed under her license. I’ve done some research and it’s called incident-to billing which is allowed with Medicaid and other government grants. I’m just not sure if it’s allowed with the VA. If it is, then she’s defrauding veterans. We already know she’s double dipped with commercial insurance. It’s a matter of getting proof though.

  31. This is a direct result of VA farming out more and more C&P exams and other community care assignments over using VA clinicians.

  32. If I can get adequate proof, I’m filing a complaint

  33. My baby’s head was in the 90th percentile at her 8 week check up through her 3 month appointment. She rolled back to front at 4 months, and about a week ago started front to back. Just had her 6 month check up, and her head is now in the 75th percentile.

  34. My little one just turned 5 months on Monday. He’s only rolled over a handful of times. I think we just need to do more tummy time with him. I know he’s got a big head lol I don’t know if that makes a difference. He’s honestly closer to rolling from back to belly than he is belly to back. He sleeps on his side sometimes. He can get his lower half turned from belly to back but it’s his front half that he can’t get turned.

  35. No advice here but I could have written this a few weeks ago, and still would today. It's a neverending cycle of anxiety. I feel like I can't truly enjoy my 3 month old because I'm constantly worrying about something.

  36. Yes. This. 💯 I see other moms going to the grocery store and every day places and get invited to go somewhere with him but even taking him to my friend’s house less than 2 miles away feels like a HUGE task. The thought of “I’m not cut out for this and I am so fucking stupid to think I ever could have been” hits me the hardest when I get the most overwhelmed. I honestly think aside from already having anxiety prior to pregnancy, it’s the stress, sleep deprivation and hormones. It also doesn’t help that I drink tons of caffeine. But I’m right there with you ❤️

  37. Naps are largely developmental, but they can be helped along with sufficient wake time between naps and independent sleep.

  38. That’s what I’m hearing the more I read and ask others about it. It is an inconvenience yes but I also just want to make sure he’s getting enough sleep. I have postpartum depression and anxiety and obsess over everything to do with him. Trying to get better about that. But I know sleep is important for brain development so I just want to make sure I do everything I can to make sure he’s as healthy as can be. I work as well so sadly he’s with the nanny on my work days and with me on my days off. I’m just trying to get a feel for a schedule so that I can ensure anyone caring for him other than myself can care for him the best way possible.

  39. You could try it but tbh I don’t think this would improve naps. You might actually have him form a habit of waking at that time at night. Sorry :/ up to you though obviously

  40. Yeah that’s what I was concerned about too. Thanks for the feedback!

  41. Can’t really give you any advice just want to let you know that you are not alone. This sounds exactly like my 3 months old baby boy.

  42. Thank you! Glad to know I’m not alone lol. It’s very exhausting but I guess welcome to parenthood! 😂

  43. Thank you so much for taking the time to offer these suggestions and solidarity! I hope this passes soon 😵‍💫

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