
  1. Update havnt been able to play for 12 days straight this month😂

  2. Dude since scorched earth dropped my server has been restarting all by itself none stop. And it’s not showing my server. It’s saying session not found. This is bull crap! I’m paying money to not play and then have to deal with AI and not a real person from Nitrado.

  3. I havnt been able to play on my server for 6 days😂

  4. I’m in a restart loop that will casually let me try to join and the screen goes black… hope my character isn’t gone. This is on unofficial

  5. How does one “load mod order functions well” it’s pretty clear cut

  6. I’ve run on series s and x and both were fine. What isn’t fine are the garbage servers you have to pay to play with your friends on

  7. Nope honestly the game is fine. The community likes to complain a lot

  8. Community complains bc the servers are dogshit 🤡

  9. Don't forget that every suckup that gets ignored are just a broken record of "if you don't like it don't buy it" when the game NEEDS the money to survive as the company is going belly up relatively quickly but isn't putting in the effort to make it actually warranted to buy it, its like the suckups actually want the game to die by telling people to actually have standards xD.

  10. Our entire server disappeared from existence ☠️

  11. Yeah my unofficial server is cooked since the update. Got about a week of play in since the update prior had me out for over a week

  12. What do you play on? I play on ps5 and have a couple mods downloaded, nothing too major to crash but last night it was running fine, I'm hearing things about an update so that could have impacted me

  13. The update got a lot of servers mine included. 2nd time in a few weeks

  14. Every time I get something like this done my server fucks up somehow someway… fuck Nitrado servers

  15. i have loot quality on 3x, so some cave drops should get me on my feet again but its still really frustrating

  16. Definitely is frustrating but you’ll find some fire look pretty quickly on 3x . Good luck!

  17. You have stats boosted anyway sure you’ll find on in the next item drop😭

  18. Who wants to play like this? Do you ever put down the controller and feel like you got conned? Bc that’s what’s happening

  19. Well, to be fair, he somehow made “owing the libs” his entire personality, in a weed forum that has nothing to do with politics.

  20. Nice just started some myself are you going organic?

  21. I get what you’re going for buddy but this ain’t it. Trying to defend this evil murderer in any other way is just foolish. He’s just as bad as Jim Jones. Trust me im with you and do believe there’s higher intelligence but just not here

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